Wolfe Manor(old Clovis avenue Sanitarium)

by Alyssa Smith
(Clovis, CA)

The front of Wolfe Manor

The front of Wolfe Manor

In 1922 the Wolfe Manor(renamed by current owner, Todd Wolfe) was first built as a private residence by Anthony Andriott, who later went bankrupt due to the cost of building and lost the house. Then in 1935 the mansion was purchased and became the Hazelwood Sanitarium, treating patients with terminal illnesses. sold again in 1942, the Hazelwood Sanitarium then became the Clovis Sanitarium which was licensed to treat the mentally ill.

Many former employees have been interviewed stating that patients were treated poorly and there were far too many deaths. After being hired and experiencing the supernatural occurrences and witnessing the treatment of the patients, employees then quit. Clovis PD has been interviewed as well reporting that they have received several 911 calls from the property even though there is no working power lines.

In 1997 Todd Wolfe purchased the old sanitarium renaming it, Wolfe Manor. He opened this mansion as one of the scariest Halloween attractions in the state of California. People started experiencing things such as cold spots, feelings of being touched, and have seen shadows and heard various voices. After being investigated by mediums and paranormal investigators they started researching the history coming to the conclusion that this mansion is in fact very haunted. Some paranormal investigating teams include Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters,
and even local investigators, Martinez Paranormal.

Due to the lack of power and the safety risks put upon visitors the city of Clovis forced the shutdown of Wolfe Manor. Though it is shut down to the city, people still know the stories of the mansion and the ghosts that roam the halls. The most famous are an elderly woman, Mary, a younger girl, Emily, and a strange figure they have named man baby. Although those are not the only dead living on the property. There are hundreds of others dark entities that live on the 8,000 square foot residence.

Todd Wolfe plans to reopen this dark mansion up to the public again by investing his money in the refurbishing of the mansion its self and the building of the Wolfe Manor Hotel. Speaking to Todd i have learned that this hotel is planned to be booked year round. It will be completed with a dinning hall and a bar in the old kitchen.

I have experienced many different things in this mansion such as chills, being pushed, a feeling as if im being watched, and feeling very sick to my stomach and light headed. To hear more about the Wolfe Manor you can research which paranormal shows have been there or even watch MartinezParanormal on YouTube.com.

Comments for Wolfe Manor(old Clovis avenue Sanitarium)

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Sep 07, 2022
When it was Scream if You Can... NEW
by: Anonymous

I went there when it was the Halloween attraction Scream if You Can (I still have the little flashlight they gave as a souvenir). The energy in the main house was tense, although the actors were quite good at scaring the !#@% out of us. It was a beautiful building except for the unsettled energy. Now, the nursing home behind it that was built in the 60s or 70s....that place gave me the chills, the actors were good, but I could feel the tortured souls that had been housed there, suffered there, were forgotten, and died there. I'm glad they tore down the nursing home. However, if I had the money I would have purchased the main house and remodeled it, and I would have lived in it and treated it and the souls that were trapped there with kindness.

Jan 12, 2019
to all the spell-checkers NEW
by: Amber

I find it interesting that you who called out the spelling errors of the commenters failed to call out or notice the ones made by the author of this blog.

Oct 13, 2018
Seriously? NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry, but ghosties don't exist. Demonic activity is a different story. They often mess with the mind by pretending to be this or that. I feel so sorry for peeps who are hunting down ghosts. You're being fooled.

Jul 18, 2018
clovis manor NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked there as a nurs's aide in the 1980's. I never experienced any ghosts or supernatural stuff while working there. This would be my 3 convelesant home to work at, and the worst. I spent about 2 weeks just getting the patient's all bathed and cleaned and beds changed.most of the employees i could never find to help me with patient but 1 other nurse. i was always taking care of the person upstairs as everyone thought that part was haunted. I actually hated that I had to quit because of moving to a new city.the reason being worried was that no one would actually continue to care after I left

Apr 15, 2017
Do no harm NEW
by: Anonymous

I hope Mr. Wolfe helps those that wants to pass go. Exorcise the ones that can do harm. Remember Mr. Wolf, other owners are stuck there that did not do the right thing, you could be next when it is your time, you won't live forever. Your son could be affected as well. Cleanse the property and help the poor souls, I think you will reap even greater rewards. Do no harm, now or ever. Amy does her walks to help, she would never hurt anyone, especially the lost ones. She gives the avenues to help and do the right thing. Will you?

Apr 07, 2017
Despicable NEW
by: Anonymous

Todd Wolfe is a despicable human being with no soul. As a sensitive, I am highly offended by his actions to exploit this unfortunate situation for monetary benefit for YEARS especially despite Amy's (Dead Files) findings and recommendations. It will eventually come back to him. Perhaps he'll join the suffering who are hostages in this building.

Apr 03, 2017
Amy was NOT a hypocrit. NEW
by: Anonymouskw

This was the ONLY Dead Files I have seen where they wouldn't say where it was. Or the name. They knew this guy was trying to get free publicity and they weren't having it. Saying Amy is a hypocrite is BS. They even said at the end, if you really want to know I'm sure you can find out on the internet. They didn't buy his motives one bit. Oh and if looks could kill, that owner would be dead, by Amy.

Oct 23, 2015
bathroom tile NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a bathroom tile from Mary's room and I feel that there is something attached to it. Help

Sep 03, 2015
lots of ?s NEW
by: WOLFE MANOR FREAK 307-4994

i wish i could get a delorean and go back and time and save emily and anna and everybody and wolfe manor.
what the freak did emily and anna look like as pateints of clovis sanatarium
i know anna had black hair and that's it of what i know

Jul 12, 2015
greed and foolishness NEW
by: Anonymous

It really amazes me that this guy knowing what could happen still decided to try to open it as a hotel,very little respect for the dead and having over 100 paranormal teams there all I can say is this guy is a fool.im not sorry that it was torn down and if it was going to be used for the right reasons it would be very different but this guy just disgusts me.

May 13, 2015
Rest In Rieces NEW
by: YKMF

Rest in pieces Clovis Avenue Sanitarium!...


Apr 22, 2015
I'm glad it's was DEMOLISHED NEW
by: Nikki

I was annoyed watching the episode of The Dead Files and this particular case was shown. I knew from the start that this man was just about money and not doing something positive (i.e. making a beautiful hotel).

Having 100s of people come through to communicate with the dead and the shows was all about making money and not helping the dead.

Someone says Amy was a hypocrite because she investigated the house, well THEY were called there by Todd with the hopes that they would get their story and the house on T.V. to bring in more people.

I'm happy that it was torn down, now someone needs to go and bless that land so that those souls can move on!

Nov 22, 2014
Wolf Manor demolished NEW
by: Donna

Pamela, sadly, Wolfe Manor has been demolished by the city of Clovis. There are going to be pieces of it auctioned off on Ebay.

Nov 22, 2014
wolfe manner should be allowed to be investigated NEW
by: pamela

I DO NOT THINK mr. wolfe should be bashed the way he has been. haunted places are our proof of life after death... as far as the dead files go, was it not investigated by Amy herself??? talk about calling the kettle black.. the only difference is she can hear them which is a great blessing to have. I only wish I was capable to do what she does. I would love to investigate wolfe manor myself and see the things that are reported to be there. I am new to the investigation of ghost I have only done 7 investigations and wolfe manor is number one on my wish list. If Mr. Wolfe opens a hotel I hope to be first to stay there!!

Oct 22, 2014
by: Anonymous

Since you seem to know Mr. Wolfe so well maybe you should double check to see that his name is TODD not TONY....

Oct 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

I have seen documentries about this place,including the DEAD FILES. Like every one has been saying,this place needs to be respected, and pity,compassion,and love needs to be brought into the building. These poor trapped souls need help and to be released.I personally think that if this IDIOT JERK TONY WOLFE,would have followed AMY'S advice and had the place cleaned,cleared out and blessed in the way that needs to be done for paranormal/supernatural situations,then it MAY have been a win-win situation for everyone. I think that the dead there would have crossed over,or atleast whoever remained would not have been SO pissed off, if all of the exploiting had totally stopped.AMY said that the haunted attraction is what created this situation to begin with. If the building had been turned into something POSITIVE TO HONOUR AND RESPECT HUMAN LIFE,them MR.ASSHOLE WOULD not have to be tearing down this house down..Which ,by the way,just happens to be a piece of HISTORY !!!WAY TO GO TONY WOLFE,YOU HEARTLESS,GREEDY,INSENSITIVE POOR EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!

Oct 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

I have seen documentries about this place,including the DEAD FILES. Like every one has been saying,this place needs to be respected, and pity,compassion,and love needs to be brought into the building. These poor trapped souls need help and to be released.I personally think that if this IDIOT JERK TONY WOLFE,would have followed AMY'S advice and had the place cleaned,cleared out and blessed in the way that needs to be done for paranormal/supernatural situations,then it MAY have been a win-win situation for everyone. I think that the dead there would have crossed over,or atleast whoever remained would not have been SO pissed off, if all of the exploiting had totally stopped.AMY said that the haunted attraction is what created this situation to begin with. If the building had been turned into something POSITIVE TO HONOUR AND RESPECT HUMAN LIFE,them MR.ASSHOLE WOULD not have to be tearing down this house down..Which ,by the way,just happens to be a piece of HISTORY !!!WAY TO GO TONY WOLFE,YOU HEARTLESS,GREEDY,INSENSITIVE POOR EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!

May 19, 2014
so sad NEW
by: Kimberly

I just heard the house will be torn down and a new hotel in its place - so sad

May 14, 2014
forgot to change my name from anonymous NEW
by: Donna

last post to Siddha was from me

May 14, 2014
To Siddha NEW
by: Anonymous

My Mother wasn't the one corrected on here. I was giving an example to the fact that I am asked by my Mother how to spell something correctly. Here is the exact post by the person who felt it ok to correct Miss Mary. Don't know how you feel she wasn't being mean about it because she was. Some people just feel they need to police everyone so they in turn need to get over it because not everyone in this world are perfect in spelling or punctuation. Including myself, my suggestion to spelling bee is unless someone is using text phrases to write a paragraph then she needs to back off. Who knows Mary may have been like my Mother and only finished 8th grade and since she's older than my mother i'm believing that just may be the case. Could also be the reason Miss Mary hasn't bothered to share her stories which I myself would love to hear and so would my Mother.

To Mary NEW
by: spelling bee

Mary its very interesting actually amazing that you were actually born in the house, but I just want to suggest that you brush up on your spelling skills, you spelled both "coincidence", and "buried" incorrectly, you even spelled "doll" wrong, everyone would love to know more about your family's history with the house, please post more! p.s. use spellcheck

May 14, 2014
Insurance & interesting stories NEW
by: Siddha

I would love to hear more about the stories from the people who have had an actual interaction in this place. It's those stories that bring the human element back to a location/facility and help to 'calm' it down. I hope Mary can tell us more about it in the future! And I wanted to say that while I understand Donna being upset with somebody for correcting her mother regarding her spelling, I also think that perhaps the person who did so did not mean to be facetious about it either. I know there are times that I am very interested in reading something but am unable to understand what's being written/said because the spelling or grammar is making it difficult. However, if English and grammar were that easy, there wouldn't be a number of classes on it in primary through high school, would there lol?
Also, for everybody who is upset with this Wolfe guy, don't worry to much. This guy will have to pour so much money into the place to bring it up to code, and then have to pour so much money into Insurance for the place, that he'll never make money on it....and will end up selling it for a loss in the end, wishing he had never purchased the place to begin with. In fact, don't be surprised if somebody gets hurt staying there and files a lawsuit.

May 14, 2014
Insurance & interesting stories NEW
by: Siddha

I would love to hear more about the stories from the people who have had an actual interaction in this place. It's those stories that bring the human element back to a location/facility and help to 'calm' it down. I hope Mary can tell us more about it in the future! And I wanted to say that while I understand Donna being upset with somebody for correcting her mother regarding her spelling, I also think that perhaps the person who did so did not mean to be facetious about it either. I know there are times that I am very interested in reading something but am unable to understand what's being written/said because the spelling or grammar is making it difficult. However, if English and grammar were that easy, there wouldn't be a number of classes on it in primary through high school, would there lol?
Also, for everybody who is upset with this Wolfe guy, don't worry to much. This guy will have to pour so much money into the place to bring it up to code, and then have to pour so much money into Insurance for the place, that he'll never make money on it....and will end up selling it for a loss in the end, wishing he had never purchased the place to begin with. In fact, don't be surprised if somebody gets hurt staying there and files a lawsuit.

May 14, 2014
The bible doesn't ALWAYS apply NEW
by: Siddha

Why do you people visit these sites and preach your misunderstanding of the Bible? I mean, you certainly are entitled to your opinions.... but clearly those of us who are normally on these sites (and believe that there can be spirits stuck on the physical earth-plane who perhaps have chosen not to move on, don't know they're dead, or got lost on the way to the Light) are the kind of people who are not necessarily going to blindly accept what you say simply because you quoted a verse in the Bible. Some of us believe that the Bible is only one small source.
There is one thing you all keep forgetting....or never realized in the first place: the Bible was written LONG before the technology existed to resuscitate people after they would normally be declared dead 'in biblical times'. As well as LONG before the technology existed to see so much of the Universe around us or to understand so much of the life within us.
And if you truly believe that a book can give you anywhere near a true understanding of what, and how huge, God is then you are missing SOOOOO much. The Bible was written by man and Rewritten seven times and there are more things in the universe than what the Bible could ever cover or explain.
But again, you're entitled to your opinions.....just please don't preach to us. I would encourage you to have an open mind and try to enjoy learning about new possibilities.

Oct 12, 2013
Ghosts? No! Evil Spirits? YES! NEW
by: Susan Patterson

In the Bible, in Hebrews 9:27 it says, "It is appointed unto men once to die and after this comes judgement." There are a few references to people being raised from the dead with the purpose of displaying God's glory and power, but none of dead people becoming 'ghosts.' There are many references to Satan and his demons appearing to people, and it says in 2 Corinth 11:14 that they can appear even as "an angel of light." If they can appear as an angel of "light" they can also appear as your deceased loved one, or anything else. What scares me more than "ghosts" is knowing that there is a demonic presence in Wolfe Manor and that those spirits are deceiving people into believing that there is something ahead besides death and judgement. Demons will do anything to fool people into believing anything other than what God has said in His Word and to lead them away from the Spirit of Truth. He appeared as a serpent to fool Eve and nothing has changed since then.

Sep 17, 2013
Capitalism at its Finest!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Good for you for sticking to your plans!!!!
May you make much money & have amazing experiences! Many of these people here who are complaining, would be the first to purchase a weekend stay. I hope you complete your project soon so that the tens of thousands of us waiting to visit can do so. & California is just waiting for you to generate tax dollars & income revenue.

Best of luck!!!!! Thank you Amy for being so aghast & disgusted that this man wants to make money and capitalize on dead people, JUST LIKE YOU DO!!!! Don't like competition? Free market enterprise Amy. If you can do it, so can others.

Sep 17, 2013
Capitalism at its Finest!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Good for you for sticking to your plans!!!!
May you make much money & have amazing experiences! Many of these people here who are complaining, would be the first to purchase a weekend stay. I hope you complete your project soon so that the tens of thousands of us waiting to visit can do so. & California is just waiting for you to generate tax dollars & income revenue.

Best of luck!!!!! Thank you Amy for being so aghast & disgusted that this man wants to make money and capitalize on dead people, JUST LIKE YOU DO!!!! Don't like competition? Free market enterprise Amy. If you can do it, so can others.

Aug 26, 2013
Ghost are not something to exploit NEW
by: Anonymous

Just saw the Dead Files show on the Clovis Home. Mr Wolfe better pull his head out of his know what. The spirits need to move on to their reward and not be used to make money. Not to mention that the house and property need to be healed and have closure as well. I am sick with the interview with Mr. Wolfe. That man lacks compassion period. The house and property where I dwell have always been haunted. I have always lived in this place and the feeling out here is of peace. As long as Mr. Wolfe has the Clovis Home, I don't see that place ever have peace.

Jun 23, 2013
Accuracy NEW
by: Nicole b

I worked in the facility as a volunteer from 16-18, 1987-1989. I loved the patients so much, it destroyed me when I couldn't stay. At the time it was clovis nursing home. There was still mistreatment and neglect and I just wanted to stay to keep those precious people safe. I experienced so many things while I was there, so much pain, sadness, cries from people that aren't with us anymore. Nonetheless, even the souls and the pain left behind don't need to be made a mochary, but need to know someone cared for them. These hurt souls need help crossing and the demonic should be delivered as well. Just walking around the property there is an unsettling stillness.

Jun 20, 2013
this guys is a jerk to me NEW
by: rhonda

i dont agree what the guy did he knew he wanted a haunted hotel thats why he had amy and steve investigate it it would put it on tv and people who are interested in ghosts would see it and want to visit, personally i think its wrong if i were dead i wouldnt want people coming into the place i am and messing with me so why would the dead there want this crap done to them. this guy doesnt care about the dead other than to make money on the ghosts being there and thats wrong, he even said on the show he would advertise it as a haunted hotel all he cares about is making money. I do not like this guy and i think he used amy and steve and when amy got mad and said how would you like it if you died and people messed with you. I would never go there EVER and i am sorry but this guy is wrong.he even said he is not going to listen and do what he wants.

Jun 07, 2013
Please have the people come in and release the soles NEW
by: Concerned for everyone involved

I watched the episode of the dead files. I understand that you are afraid of losing money on your investment. Cross the one's over that can be crossed and let them live out the rest of their existence in peace. They won't ALL be able to cross. You can still have your haunted hotel. But some some of them FREE....That is the humane thing to do. You know people won't come once they figure out what you are doing. Do the right thing. It will work out for you in the long run. You will still have a few but the MASSES will be free. Good luck....Anyone who's know's anything about haunted sights knew that.."hotel nowhere" was Clovis the moment we saw it. ;)

Jun 02, 2013
Investigation NEW
by: Pacific Coast Spirit Watch

My team has always wanted the opportunity to investigate Wolfe Manor and this has not changed our minds.

As investigators we would like the chance to visit and review the site.

Yes there are souls attached to the site but over there years with the many teams that have visited the site there had to have been instances where they offered assistance to help them move on.

Jun 02, 2013
Investigation NEW
by: Pacific Coast Spirit Watch

My team has always wanted the opportunity to investigate Wolfe Manor and this has not changed our minds.

As investigators we would like the chance to visit and review the site.

Yes there are souls attached to the site but over there years with the many teams that have visited the site there had to have been instances where they offered assistance to help them move on.

Jun 02, 2013
Investigation NEW
by: Pacific Coast Spirit Watch

My team has always wanted the opportunity to investigate Wolfe Manor and this has not changed our minds.

As investigators we would like the chance to visit and review the site.

Yes there are souls attached to the site but over there years with the many teams that have visited the site there had to have been instances where they offered assistance to help them move on.

Jun 02, 2013
Wolfe Manor NEW
by: Anonymous

Please do what Amy suggested & give the spirits that want to leave be able to leave & go on their way, they have been tormented long enough, if the evil ones want to stay, then so be it--how can tony make money on other peoples suffering--

Jun 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

I watched the DEAD FILES story on you hotel project. Although I feel sorry for the souls that are trapped in your facility, I have to say that in the eyes of a researcher, this may be an opportunity for people to learn more about life after death. These souls have been trapped here for decades and have no idea how to cross over. If researchers could come in to your facility with the compassion to help these souls and not exploit them, I would support your project. I am sure some may not support my thoughts, but I feel that if researchers can help these souls that are trapped in this hell, hear their stories and help them find away to exist in peace.

Jun 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

I watched the DEAD FILES story on you hotel project. Although I feel sorry for the souls that are trapped in your facility, I have to say that in the eyes of a researcher, this may be an opportunity for people to learn more about life after death. These souls have been trapped here for decades and have no idea how to cross over. If researchers could come in to your facility with the compassion to help these souls and not exploit them, I would support your project. I am sure some may not support my thoughts, but I feel that if researchers can help these souls that are trapped in this hell, hear their stories and help them find away to exist in peace.

Jun 01, 2013
your dumb NEW
by: Anonymous

Ok I have had many experiences with ghost and the best thing to do is not to mess with them....you can get hurt its like playing with fire. with all the crap they found on the "Dead Files" no one is going to want to go there. so I would just give up I know people pay more for a hunted hotel. most of the time people go to a hotel to experiences but not to get hurt. What your doing is mean you can put so many at risk. lastly the people there had man problems so they need to get bless and set free to move on not to stay there and be your slaves. This isn't like the hunted mansion as Disneyland where they are just fake these are real peoples souls...I don't support you. lastly my grandma worked there when it was an old person home and she has some crazy crap there and she quiet she didn't like how people where being treated there. also the woman there saying "she did good" was her boss and she was a nasty woman.

Jun 01, 2013
Haunted Hotel NEW
by: Anonymous

I just watched "Dead Files". I too am appalled. The residents of "Wolfe Manor" were abused, tormented, and extorted enough in life now to have it forced upon them even in death is disgusting. This place will never be the cash cow this man hopes it will be. The money he will have to put into it will never be made up. The insurance he will probably have to get will probably bankrupt him as well due to his disregard for the safety of others. The first time a living person (Hopefully not his son) gets pushed down the stairs by an angry resident and killed he will have to shut his doors. Things like this often have a way of working it's self out.

Jun 01, 2013
Haunted Hotel NEW
by: Anonymous

I just watched "Dead Files". I too am appalled. The residents of "Wolfe Manor" were abused, tormented, and extorted enough in life now to have it forced upon them even in death is disgusting. This place will never be the cash cow this man hopes it will be. The money he will have to put into it will never be made up. The insurance he will probably have to get will probably bankrupt him as well due to his disregard for the safety of others. The first time a living person (Hopefully not his son) gets pushed down the stairs by an angry resident and killed he will have to shut his doors. Things like this often have a way of working it's self out.

Jun 01, 2013
Money Hungry Asshole!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Watched the "Dead files" on TV tonight. What was brought up to the owner (Wolfe) was how very damaging his previous activities, (running a haunted house) have been to the dead that are stuck at the mansion. He was told that it would be dangerous for the people who would be working at his new hotel and also for his guests, but you could see by his reaction that all he cared about was how much money he would be making. This man's actions disgust me!! How can someone in good conscious keep doing something that brings hurt to others, even if they are already dead. I do not wish physical harm on Wolfe from the entities, but I would celebrate his financial ruin.

May 31, 2013
very upset NEW
by: Anonymous

You honestly need to help the dead go to be at peace . Instead of bring people there to you're haunted hotel leave them alone how sick you are would you want to be touched after you die???????

May 31, 2013
awsome ! NEW
by: marty69martin

I just saw a show on tv on this, thought it was fiction. wow! this is for real! I used to live in tollhouse and Auberry just a few miles up the hill, and never saw this place. I want to visit, and hope to be able to do so before I pass.

May 21, 2013
To Spelling Bee NEW
by: Donna


Was it that important to you to spell out the fact that Miss Mary spelled words incorrectly? Have some compassion, she's a couple years older than my own mother who has to ask me how to spell some words because she is unsure. Not everyone like YOU apparently, know how to spell.

Still shaking my head :(

Miss Mary thank you for sharing your story for all to enjoy. Hold your head high and smile. :)

May 21, 2013
My mom was also born there NEW
by: Donna

Thought I should clear something up. My mom was born there because it was the only hospital in the day to have a baby within however many miles around the Clovis area. Not because her mom was a mental patient. I'm sure there were quite a few people who were born there.

May 21, 2013
My mother was born there also NEW
by: Donna

I too was stunned when I saw the Sanitarium on tv. I DVR'd it for my mom so she could see it when she got home. I love the Youtube video's on it.

Feb 21, 2013
To Mary NEW
by: spelling bee

Mary its very interesting actually amazing that you were actually born in the house, but I just want to suggest that you brush up on your spelling skills, you spelled both "coincidence", and "buried" incorrectly, you even spelled "doll" wrong, everyone would love to know more about your family's history with the house, please post more! p.s. use spellcheck

Jun 09, 2012
My Birth Place! NEW
by: Mary

I was born in this house Jan.9,1948. My birth certificit says Clovis Sanitarium.
I couldent beleave it when my sister called me last night and told me about this show. I had never heard anything about Wolfe Manor.

I would realy like to know more about this place.
My parents are no longer with us so cant get any info there.

I know this is just a coinsident but My sister and I both had a dall like the ones in the chair in Marys bedroom.

I also have a baby sister baried in an old part of Clovis cemitary.But cant find her grave anymore due to flooding they say.

makes my hair rise on my arms.

May 03, 2012
The Man Baby NEW
by: Anonymous

Very creepy documentary. Where I was creeped out at home. The man baby is disturbing to me.I honestly would be VERY careful opening up a hotel. It could become dangerous for visitors if the entities are violent. I can never visit since I am sensitive. I do appreciate you sharing the story. I live in Visalia.

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