who could it be?

by Brittany
(Lakewood, CO)

I took this picture Sept 17 2014. In this same house my grandmother and mother died 1 week apart in 2009. My grandmother a heart attck and my mother lung cancer. I was taking a cute picture for my boyfriend. When I was looking at it to see if I liked it enough I noticd a face above my shoulder. It looks like this girl is maybe in her teens. I don't know who it could be?

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Nov 27, 2014
grandma? NEW
by: Ann

I think it's your grandma, it kind of seems like that. Like she's smiling a toothless smile, you know the old people smile like that...lol..okay, anyway, no idea. It's over your left shoulder, right?

Sep 24, 2014
Guardian Angel? NEW
by: ~JC

I'm speculating that she is your guardian angel.
Could be mom or grandmom. Guardian angels can appear but since are ageless, they can appear as being any age.

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