What is this?

by Lindsey

My son was playing and these showed in the photo. What are they?

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Sep 10, 2015
Nice post NEW
by: jhon

I have never seen such thing, to me it looks like light, shadows or some type of light bubbles. Do you see such things regularly?
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Jul 29, 2015
Look Like Same Orbs on Me (See Orbs and Light above) NEW
by: Anonymous

These look very similar to the six-sided orbs on me in a series of photos I had taken about two weeks ago. They've appeared after some odd occurrences at my home with me and my boyfriend.

I wonder, did you and or your son have any other oddities happen before these pictures? And/or did either of you speak to the dead, not really thinking much about it?

There are many Orbs all around him, but none on him. I don't know if that makes it better for him or not, but I do know kids are usually much more sensitive and open-minded to these things, or perhaps because they are closer to their pre-life.

Do you know if there has been an event that precipitated these pictures? Perhaps something he hasn't told you of because he thought it unimportant or something he experiences frequently and therefore hasn't put much though into it?

Jul 29, 2015
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by: Derek

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Apr 18, 2015
orbs NEW
by: vince

Orbs are usually always perfect circles i have tons of orb in my house and i have tons if video of them on my youtube channel my channel name is vince gojira i am a solo paranormal investigator out the Portland Oregon metro area check out my orb n ghost stuff all these videos are 100% legit and all shot by me leave me some feed back please on my youtube channel

Oct 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

I saw an orb this morning in my bedroom. It was circular and spinning. The best I can describe would be that it looked like an artichoke. Also saw beautiful colors around it.

Oct 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

I saw an orb this morning in my bedroom. It was circular and spinning. The best I can describe would be that it looked like an artichoke. Also saw beautiful colors around it.

Oct 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

I saw an orb this morning in my bedroom. It was circular and spinning. The best I can describe would be that it looked like an artichoke. Also saw beautiful colors around it.

Sep 24, 2014
What is this? NEW
by: lindsey

Thank you for the info. I have never seen something like this before. What kind of patterns usually show?

Sep 24, 2014
What Are They? NEW
by: ~JC

They appear to be orbs (i.e. spirit energy) but are shaped differently than any I've seen before. Orbs are usually round and the pattern seen in them is usually consistent inside the circle.

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