Utah Haunting - Green Valley Spa in St George

by C
(ST George)

I'm a night audit/watchmen for Green Valley Spa and thought I'd submit my case of this building having some kind of haunt. From what I understand many other employees claim to have felt these presences and it always doesn't necessarily happen at night.

The longtime employees claim to have a ghost in one of the spa treatment areas named 'Aurora'. Not sure the story behind her but the wife of the president of the place (also a worker in the treatment area) swears she's around. The spa does a lot of spiritual activities, among others, and I assume they have found the presence through that.

However my personal experiences have always been in the dining room at night long after everyone has left. On one occasion, the back door had been slightly 'pushed' open on a calm night with no wind and no one around to engage the open bar on the door. The lights on the ceiling flicker when everything else is off, all the time. In one instance when I had walked through the dining area to secure aforementioned door, turned around and saw two shadows turn down the hall I had just came from.

Years back there had been a guest that died in the lower level in one of the racketball courts. It is my understanding that he might be one of the shadows I saw.

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Jun 14, 2012
Serriously NEW
by: Southernutahghosthunters

I am one of the members of the southern Utah ghost hunters. We are looking to find more places to investigate around our home town of St. George. If you would like to talk about a possible investigation please feel free to contact us through our Facebook page under the name of southern Utah ghost hunters. Or email us at zachnay93@gmail.com. Your case sounds awesome and very interesting (: hope to hear from you soon

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