These Things Were True

by Mary Ann Endre
(Sun City West, AZ, USA)

When my mother died, I took it very hard. She died on March 21,1990. A month later, around my brother's birthday, I did a load of laundry. I remember pulling lint out of the dryer, and after I folded laundry and did a few other things, I went to bed. My husband, who was downstairs watching TV, knew how terrible I had been feeling. I went to my mother's grave every Sunday and cried my eyes out. I brought flowers, and said prayers for her soul

This particular night, I was so upset I just wanted to sleep and forget. Later on, as I drifted off, I heard someone talking to me. I thought it was my husband. It was a pep talk, like "You must go on with your life. I know you're feeling bad, but life goes on. You have a life to live, and someday you'll realize I am with you all the time."

I thought I saw a sort of blue-white silhouette, which I attributed to my husband standing by the window where the moonlight cascaded in. I wasn't afraid, but the pep talk did not help. I continued to feel terrible.

When I asked my husband later if he had been talking to me during the night, he said he wasn't. I never did find out for certain what it was.

A few months or so later, I got a phone call. The caller was a woman, and she said very slowly and deliberately, "I am thinking of you." I said, "Who is this?" and then I heard nothing but a dial tone.

I think my mother was trying to console me.

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Jun 13, 2014
Yes! NEW
by: ~JC

It sounds very much to me like your mother was talking to you and trying to console you. When falling asleep and just before entering the REM state, these "dream visits" can and do happen. I experienced it once with my father who I lost when I was eight years old. Afterward and for the longest time, I felt a deep sense of peace regarding my loss of him, and the afterlife - feeling absolute certainty that I will one day see him again and that in the meantime he is with me. Your mother's visit was a very special gift of love to you and for you. Never doubt that she is forever nearby.


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