The Warning Girl

by Nikkii

She tip toes to her room so she does not wake up her parents with a bundle full of food in her hand. Her bag is packed and she is prepared to leave her house. She had taken her father and mother's money and took everything out of her bank account earlier that day.

"Say goodbye to your little princess Pa. I ain't takin' your abuse no more." she said to herself. Then her father stormed into her room and began to choke her while her mother stood there and laughed.

"You tryin' to leave us?!?!? You think you can live your own life! You can barely take care of this here house!" her father screamed. Soon the girl fell asleep dead.

At her funeral her parents acted like it was the most terrible thing that had happened to them but inside their heads they were thinking about all of the free food and money they have been getting. Now when somebody comes to visit the family their misunderstood daughter would appear and warn them to leave before they get themselves killed. They called her the warning girl.

Soon the police came to take the parents and lock them up for good but the warning girl is still in that house warning people to leave and when they don't they suddenly disappear and only their heads are left waiting on the front gate's pole.

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May 25, 2011
Wish wish wish
by: Anna Felicia

Your story is soo good but I wonder if thats true or not. Seems true to me, though. I really WISH I could give you 10 stars but cannot so there goes a full 5 from me!!

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