The Old Jailhouse at Appomattox Va.

by Demus & Karen Stanley
(Sumter SC Sumter Co.)

My wife and I were visitng there about an hour before closing. As we were leaving we had to walk past the old jail when we heard a tapping noise from the upper level window. We both stopped and looked at each other and I asked if she had heard the noise. She replied that she had and we both wondered if someone was up there. We dismissed it as probably our imagination as we were the last people there other than a ranger completing her rounds before closing. We continued our walk to the exit we had only taken a few steps when the tapping started again only this time it was very intense as if someone really wanted to get our attention to which it certainly did. We then proceeded to the ranger and told her what we had heard but could not see anyone in the window. As we were telling her this the window tapping happened again and she also heard it. With a puzzled look she informed us that she had already checked the jail and locked it and was sure that no one was in there but would check again. My wife and I waited as she checked the building again. When she returned she told us that she did not see anyone there nor heard anything and did not have an explanation for it. I wonder if anyone else has had the same experience.

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May 17, 2024
Tapping on window NEW
by: Anonymous

I was just searching for this because my sister in law and I went to Appomattox this morning and had a similar experience. We were walking towards the jail and both heard tapping from the upper window. We both expected to find someone Inside, but it was empty.

Jul 28, 2017
Jail house noises NEW
by: Tom Knowles

My wife and I visited Appomattox and while exploring the jail house, we heard tapping on the glass sounding like fingernails. We looked around thinking it was a bird inside but saw nothing. It got louder, I was interested and keep looking when we heard three loud stomps on the second floor where the cells are located. I ran up the stairs and looked around but never found the source of the sounds. It is a very small area and there was nowhere to hide. We felt no threat but it seemed like they were playing around with us.

Feb 26, 2017
Appomattox Courthouse state park jailhouse knocking NEW
by: Tony and Jonah

Me and my stepson live of approximately 30 minutes from the Appomattox Courthouse State Park. Approximately two years ago we decided to visit the Civil War Museum and the state park after touring the Civil War Museum we went to the state park at Appomattox Court House during our visit we went to the old Appomattox jail house. After touring the jailhouse going to the top and descending back down we were the only people there no one else in the jail I heard three distinct Knocks from a window on the top floor. We have spoke of this often and even revisited the jail not hearing anything that visit but it kind of Forgotten a little bit about it until we saw this forum and thought that we would put our story on this as we have experienced something at the Appomattox old jail. Thx Tony and Jonah

Jun 27, 2013
Same experience!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

As a friend and I approached the old jail we heard a loud tapping on glass. We both stopped and starred at the building and thought who would be tapping on a window. We went inside to all the rooms, never passing/seeing anyone. Upon leaving the building and reaching about the same spot outside and heard the window tapping again. We stopped, turned around and it stopped. No one ever passed us to go inside the building.

This is the first web site that I've seen that mentioned the window tapping. When we were there a volunteer worker said that the building was not originally there during the surrender. Who knows who it could be ??!!

Jun 05, 2013
additional comments NEW
by: Anonymous

We just spent 2 nights in the same rooms upstairs. My son and wife slept in the bed and I slept in the sofa bed which is located in the second room. We got in very late the first night after midnight and were the only people in the home. We did not hear anything the first night, but my wife just told me this morning that she heard someone walking in the bedroom. The door to the bedroom and sitting room have deadbolts and they were locked. I also heard what sounded like a woman about 2:00am humming. I thought what a strange sound to hear at 2:00am. We had no knowledge of any ghost activity and my wife does
not believe in ghosts. During breakfast this morning the owner was talking about some of the reported ghost activity. She said that someone had made a recording with the home empty and there was static on the recording, it stopped and they asked a question and received an answer, then static again. She also said that covers are sometimes pulled off guests, humming, voices. I would like to see if others have experienced similar things at the Babcock house.

Jun 05, 2013
additional comments NEW
by: Anonymous

We just spent 2 nights in the same rooms upstairs. My son and wife slept in the bed and I slept in the sofa bed which is located in the second room. We got in very late the first night after midnight and were the only people in the home. We did not hear anything the first night, but my wife just told me this morning that she heard someone walking in the bedroom. The door to the bedroom and sitting room have deadbolts and they were locked. I also heard what sounded like a woman about 2:00am humming. I thought what a strange sound to hear at 2:00am. We had no knowledge of any ghost activity and my wife does
not believe in ghosts. During breakfast this morning the owner was talking about some of the reported ghost activity. She said that someone had made a recording with the home empty and there was static on the recording, it stopped and they asked a question and received an answer, then static again. She also said that covers are sometimes pulled off guests, humming, voices. I would like to see if others have experienced similar things at the Babcock house.

Jun 05, 2013
Babcock Bed & Breakfast NEW
by: Anonymous

We just spent 2 nights in the same rooms upstairs. My son and wife slept in the bed and I slept in the sofa bed which is located in the second room. We got in very late the first night after midnight and were the only people in the home. We did not hear anything the first night, but my wife just told me this morning that she heard someone walking in the bedroom. The door to the bedroom and sitting room have deadbolts and they were locked. I also heard what sounded like a woman about 2:00am humming. I thought what a strange sound to hear at 2:00am. We had no knowledge of any ghost activity and my wife does
not believe in ghosts. During breakfast this morning the owner was talking about some of the reported ghost activity. She said that someone had made a recording with the home empty and there was static on the recording, it stopped and they asked a question and received an answer, then static again. She also said that covers are sometimes pulled off guests, humming, voices. I would like to see if others have experienced similar things at the Babcock house.

Jun 05, 2013
Babcock Bed & Breakfast NEW
by: Anonymous

We just spent 2 nights in the same rooms upstairs. My son and wife slept in the bed and I slept in the sofa bed which is located in the second room. We got in very late the first night after midnight and were the only people in the home. We did not hear anything the first night, but my wife just told me this morning that she heard someone walking in the bedroom. The door to the bedroom and sitting room have deadbolts and they were locked. I also heard what sounded like a woman about 2:00am humming. I thought what a strange sound to hear at 2:00am. We had no knowledge of any ghost activity and my wife does
not believe in ghosts. During breakfast this morning the owner was talking about some of the reported ghost activity. She said that someone had made a recording with the home empty and there was static on the recording, it stopped and they asked a question and received an answer, then static again. She also said that covers are sometimes pulled off guests, humming, voices. I would like to see if others have experienced similar things at the Babcock house.

Aug 02, 2012
Yes, I have heard NEW
by: Christine

It was a cold and windy day:) (It really was) several yrs ago when my mother, daughter, and myself were the last visitors at the courthouse that day. Did not even go to the jail. However the tour person (a 30 something female) did tell us that many strange things happened in the jail. Just FYI. Also, We stayed at the Babcock Bed and Breakfast that evening. I woke up hearing VERY LOUD footsteps above my room and waited for my mother to wake up. We were in the large room upstair that had 2 spaces - 1 bedroom and a sitting room with a pull out sofabed. My mother was in the bedroom. My daughter was with me on the sofa bed. No one woke up. The loud steps went on about 2 min. It sounded like a man wearing heavy boots. The next morning in the car driving home my daughter (11 yrs old at the time) told us that she woke up 4 or 5 times during the night and her blanket was completely pulled off of her on the floor. I then told them about the footsteps. I wrote to the owner and the response was that YES, many other visitors had related similar stories. I find it odd that when I read reviews on travel sites not 1 person mentions anything about any unusual happenings. I do know the owner (Janice) did tell me in her correspondence back to me that a man had come there to inquire anout ghost, or happenings and was writing some type of book. She said she did tell him about my experience along with others. I would be nice to be able to find anything, anywhere about another person experiencing something like I did.

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