by Reynaldo Reyes

In the early 1970's and in the 1980's I kept receiving strange visions in my dreams that Jesus Christ and his heavenly father in heaven were married to their spouses. I dreamed that the first celestial humans existed first in heaven. I always remember this vision in my dreams ever since a little kid. By the ending of 1985 I wanted to reveal this vision with a few of my friends in school so we could write out the song lyrics and create the rap song. That's when on January 1, 1986 God spoke to the well-known lead singer of the rap group Run DMC and started a rumor that inspired the groups 1986 hit album "Raising Hell." In other words Jesus Christ and God spiritually spoke to one of the lead singers of the Rap Group Run DMC and started a rumor about me in one of their hit songs called "Raising Hell" Kings from Queens because they where married to their spouses.

Reynaldo's book Portal to Hell is accepted for publication on September 28, 2002. A month after on October 30, 2002 Jam Master Jay whose real name is Jason Mizell was brutally murdered in his Jamaica, Queens, NY recording studio. Until this very day the killers have not been captured. Jesus Christ and God are involved in the murder of Jam Master Jay and several other things on earth that people are not aware of.

I realize now why Jesus Christ and his Heavenly Father in heaven tried to set me up in the year 1986 with the rumor that he started about me with the famous rappers Run DMC. Because Jesus Christ and his Father in heaven the "Yahweh" not only were they married to their spouses, but they are involved in possessing movie stars with demonic spirits that the celebrities call the Muse. This Muse are Demons that are possessing the movie stars to act out their characters for their plays, movies, and television sitcoms and Jesus Christ and God are the ones responsible. Please review the documentary Hollywood Unmasked Part 1 & 2 below this email.

On December 4, 1980 and on the fall of 1997 Jesus Christ and God tried to put me in a deep sleep so I could be possessed by these demonic spirits so I can reach superstar status and become the star God wanted me to be in the year 1980 and in 1997 this was the plan that Jesus Christ and God had for me in Hollywood, California where Movie-Stars are Born. I have plenty of evidence to prove it! Please review my WEBSITE!

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Nov 03, 2015
I will pray for you NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray that you find peace with your thoughts after writing this out. Now also maybe look into talking to someone.

Nov 02, 2015
I seriously . . . NEW
by: Anonymous

I seriously believe that you need professional help, badly. I hope you get it.

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