by ~JC
(Minneapolis, MN)

I like to think of myself as a brave soul where ghost-hunting is concerned. I've visited many haunted locations and have listed several of them here at Haunted Hovel. However, there is one haunted location that I've not been able to scare-up the nerve to visit. I'll tell you why....

The place to which I refer is the basement of a very old building known as the Soap Factory. It is located at 514 S.E. 2nd Street in Minneapolis, MN. The website is:

Why have I avoided ghost-hunting at the Soap Factory? Here is a blip in the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper printed in the Variety Section, 10/06/2014 Section E: (I am quoting it verbatim)


Scares: The haunt that changed the game. You know, the drill -- gotta sign a waiver, must be 18-plus, say 'uncle' if you want out. For it's eighth year, the gnarly basement under the Soap Factory is once again transformed. New this year: Every patron must wear an identical mask and go down in a big group. Whom will you trust? Not even your friends. Also new: blood explosions. So don't wear your Sunday best.

Readers Say: "I just found out the Soap Factory is actually haunted by demonic forces, and ghost hunters who visit the place have to bring priests with them. I'm going for my first time this year. I'm shocked to find out that I might be forced to do some questionable acts to a complete stranger. 'What am I getting myself into!?? Signed -Jodi Simmons, via Facebook"

Sounds like an exciting adventure? I've known for a few years now that the ghost hunters taking a priest with them into the basement there is no joke. The Soap Factory is said to be a known portal - not a place I care to risk. Should you ever decide to visit the Soap Factory basement, consider yourself forewarned. There are, indeed, some places "where the wise fear to tread.”



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Oct 11, 2014
What I've Found So Far . . . NEW
by: ~JC

Hi Mark,

Have begun researching the history of The Basement this evening. Here's what I've found so far:

(From Twin Cities Haunted Handbook by Jeff Morris, Garett Merk, Dain Charbonneau, pgs.126-127): "The age of the building and it's history could likely cause the paranormal activity. The Soap Factory was built in 1892 as a railroad warehouse." The book goes on to explain that "especially the wooden stairs leading from the gallery down to the basement are haunted. Reported activity is footsteps; people often hear voices when there is no one talking, distant screams, and short breaths in their ear. Other times they clearly hear someone say, "Help me" when no one is there."

This confirms the paranormal activity that does exist in The Basement. Now I just have to locate the Twin Cities Newspaper in which I read about a portal existing there from two to three years ago!

Stay tuned . . . there's more to come!


Oct 11, 2014
Good Point . . . NEW
by: ~JC

Hi Mark,

You bring-up a good point; objectivity. I am going to have to do further research on The Basement in order to answer your question about history of the building, and I will do that and I will comment back to you with it.

A couple of years ago there was a story printed in the Minneapolis Star Tribune that talked about the portal part. I wish now that I had kept it, but I believe that I can find out how to search old newspaper clips on-line.

I do know that the building is very old. I will also research just how far back it goes, and deaths that may have occurred there, although I don't know that deaths are related to the existence of portals. There are many portals in the USA. I'm not sure that anyone knows "a cause" for them, only that they seem to be an unsafe area where spirits enter our realm - namely demons.

This entire area of portals and spirits are a rather grey area. I question that anyone really has a good grip on understanding either area. I would like to present to you a perhaps, rather odd warning that The Basement posts in it's advertisements:

I understand that there are risks and dangers in participating in The Soap Factory’s Unhinged in The Haunted Basement including, but not limited to: risk of personal injury and damage to clothing or possessions resulting from walking through a basement in darkness, uneven walking surfaces, strobe lights, strong smells, loud noises and PTSD triggers, concentrated fog/smoke, physical contact, projectile liquids, dust, dirt, allergens including peanut butter, latex, detergents, as well as disturbing and adult content."

My interpretation (and I could be wrong) is that use of the word "disturbing" could include most anything.

All-in-all, if in fact, the portal does exist,, how in the world would anyone prove having become attacked or possessed at this particular location? I doubt that a case such as this would be heard by any court; and wonder if a court wouldn't suggest that the plaintiff requires psychiatric care!

Glad you wrote, Mark, and I hope you write back to my entry here, as well.


Oct 11, 2014
History olf the Place? NEW
by: Mark

Hi JC,

Very interesting account. Thanks for sharing.

I hope you don't think I disbelieve you, but I must pose a few questions:

First, have you done a background check on this place? What kind of history does it have? Any deaths on the premises that could/would account for the spiritual presence(s)?

Also, why would this be a portal, and what would have caused it to be so?

Sorry if I sound skeptical. I do believe in spirits and a spiritual realm, and I do believe in hauntings; however, as a professional writer and researcher, I must remain objective.

Thanks again for sharing.


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