RiverDale Road

by tanner
(riverdale road thorton colorado)

email me if you have any crazy expierences or what not at this road T.davis5280@yahoo.com

many stories exist around riverdale. the girl in the white dress who you see on the side of the road, the old car that tries to race you, the eclaimed witches that were hung on the tree down the dairy farm road. the list keeps going. i've been there 5 times now; and only once did i have any expierence. the most recent time i went was last nigt april 16,2011. we parked right next to the tree on the dairy farm road, it was a little spooky when you first get out but honestly i didn't expect anything to happen. if you walk i believe west there is an old pretty creepy abandoned house(beware neighbors have called the cops before) we were walking around the house just checking it out we all stopped because we saw a big ass spider but we heard footsteps behind us. they were heavy steps because we definetly heard branches braking on the ground so we dont know what it was. but we continued to the house where we entered a window on the west side of the house. (the house is completly trashed, and filled with shit you'd see in a horror film) but we continued through and cleared the bottom floor. we continued to the top floor on some very broken down stairs where we all believe we saw something dart across the room. the girls bulted out of the window downstairs but me and my friend went back up where we thought we heard voices. we stayed for about 5 more minutes but got nothing. so as we left the house and got back to the car we all thought we heard a little girl scream but we did not document anything. right as we got in the car my friend stoped and said there is someone in the field. we all looked and there was a partcial appariton of what looked like a human whistling. we all looked at eachother and looked back but it was gone. that was the only night i've ever had an expierence there.

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Aug 30, 2015
Riverdale Road 1993 NEW
by: Anonymous

When I was in high school, my friend and I were driving down Riverdale road one night. We frequently went there was because we had heard it was haunted. This night in particular a car with extremely bright headlights started tailgating us. We figured they were in a hurry so we decided to pull over and let them pass. But when we did, the car vanished. To this day I still have no explanation for the occurrence and it still freaks me out.

Oct 07, 2011
Weird experience
by: Anonymous

I was there yesterday October 6 2011, it was around 10:30 at night, we stopped next to the tree and then we stayed there for about a solid minute. As everyone know there is a ditch that you cant go over. Out of nowhere we turned off the lights of the car, then i saw the girl in the white dress. After two seconds we turned on the lights because a white car was headed our way form the other side of the ditch. Somehow the car got over the ditch and followed us, it sped up then when it was behind us it turned off its lights. then it was gone. After we turned on 104th, we all were quiet then we all heard a girl scream like she was being murdered. it was clear as day the scream was. Thats my experience.

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