Red House, Richlands, VA

by Diane

We used to live in a red house that was located in Richlands, VA. It was an old house that sat above the road. It was built over top a water drain pipe. The basement was concreted in the flooring. There were stairs leading up from the basement into the bedroom. There was a door at the top of the stairs. After going up stairs, opening the door, and crossing the bedroom, you entered the kitchen. I used to do the dishes at the sink. I have many times washed the dishes, and, as I did so, felt like someone was standing behind me breathing on my neck. I would ignore it, and then, it would breathe even harder. Enough so to cause my hair to blow into my face. I would reach up and push my hair back only to have it blown back again. I would then turn around to fuss at who ever was doing it to find no one there..! I also used to latch the basement door at the head of the stairs with a bolt lock. It used to open about a foot and stop all on it's own accord. It even did it with the door locked tight! I would go into the living room. It was on past the kitchen, through a dining room, then the living room. I would sit on the couch. The couch was against the wall on the same side as the doorway. The end of the couch was beside the door. We never had pets. Many times, you heard the basement door open. Then, there was a white, medium sized dog, sort of like a sheep dog, the kind with long hair to hide their eyes, walk through the doorway and sit beside the couch's end. You could just see the top of his head to about his eyes. The rest of him was hidden behind the couch arm. It stayed until you would rise up and go toward it. Then, it would disappear!

Comments for Red House, Richlands, VA

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Oct 27, 2017
Yikes NEW
by: ludy

That is cool story..And a scarey house..

Oct 27, 2017
Yikes NEW
by: ludy

That is cool story..And a scarey house..

Nov 01, 2013
this is where NEW
by: Anonymous

i believe its on fourth street

Nov 01, 2013
this is where NEW
by: Anonymous

i believe its on fourth street

Mar 17, 2012
by: Morgan

I live in Richlands, I would love to know where this house is

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