pueblo west colorado. purcell
by Tammy Galpin
(Pueblo west colorado. usa)
My 2 1/2 year old grandson has had something or someone throw his toys across the room. He has had his blankets pulled off him. We hear his name called out on monitor. He is terrified to sleep in his room. He cries when my daughter tries to put him in there to bed. she has him now sleeping in her room. When he comes to my house he doesn't want want to leave. he knows there is something wrong at his house. they can sense this kind of thing. I have done research on this kind of thing. I have also found that there used to be a burial ground where my daughter lives. which is off of Purcell and Archdale place. Every once in awhile at my home we can smell something kinda of odd. Kinda like death. its musty smelling. There is an evil entity that has not been laid to rest. He or she now haunts areas in pueblo west.