parkview apartments apt 4
by Dawn C Dolinski
(wayne, Mi)
I am searching for an understanding& possibly a helping hand to explain things to me, this started bout a year ago.. I didnt pay much attn to it cuz i thought it would go away.. I Awoke @2am with like smoke above my bdrm door & like a carosel rotating counterclockwise,someone or something inside came out of it & headed towards me,i put my hand out & screamed no!it went up to my lite & faded away slowly, thats when all hell broke lose.watever is in here is evil.. Iv seen orbs & have heard voices & laughing..i am terrified! Iv been trying to research wayne mi cuz i live between 3 cemeteries, iv lived here 10yrs & just a yr ago is when it all started.. My cat died horribly, my sister believes she was attacked.. Its horrible