On the outside looking in
by Mary Grace
(montclair, ca)
these are two pictures my sister and i took of the inside (evening picture) and outside (daytime picture) of our family house (me and my brother and parents live here).
the outside picture was taken by my sister as she was trying to get a picture of our cat peeping out the curtains. instead, she captured this ghostly image.
it reminds me of the "scream movie" type shrouded figure on your website (last photo at bottom of real ghost pictures page www.hauntedhovel.com/realghostpictures).
the inside picture was that by myself as our cat and dog started acting funny and coming close to each other for protection, which we thought was weird since the cat and dog don't actually get along any of the time except this once.
we were also all scared around this time of a loud knocking on our front door. my brother-in-law went to the door quickly to see who had knocked, but when he opened the door no one was there.
i have been haunted/attacked in this house three times by a shrouded shadow person.