Old Southland Apartments On Eureka Rd in Taylor bw Beech Daly and Inkster Rd

by Tiffany James
(Romulus, Michigan)

When I was 15 years old, I lived there. I lived in an apartment building next to the office. There was once a circle to drive around infront of the office and my building was directly to the left. Before moving in there, friends in the area would tell me about a crazy man that lived on the first floor. They said he was very mean and once tried to stab someone in the apartment hallway and also tried to catch the building on fire. I moved in on the second floor. I was pregnant at the time and living with my mother. The man downstairs was indeed nutty and so was his wife. They would come upstairs daily and complain that I needed to quit walking across the floor so much, because I was too heavy! Lol. Anyhow, one day he got a ticket for parking his car infront of the office...which he had been fairly warned not to do in the past. Well, he goes over to the office and starts yelling and screaming at the manager (my friend's mother was the manager). He then goes back to his apartment, gets a gun and goes over in the office and shoots the manager in the head and shot at a couple employees. I was so grateful that I had been sleeping throughout this particular morning. Had I been awake and walking across the floor, I may have gotten shot.

A few months pass, and one evening I fell asleep on the couch. I awoke around 2am (not sure of the time, but it was around this time). I raised my head and looked around me and sitting approximately 200 feet from the couch I was laying on--at my dinning room table--was a siloutte of a girl. She appeared to be my age or a little older, with long hair like mine. I could see her hair and her outline, but not her detailed facial features. I rubbed my eyes to ensure I was seeing correctly...she was really there! I started screaming for my mom. I carried on about 10 minutes and she finally walked into the living room where I was. I turned my head to look again and the girl was gone! BUT, right next to the couch (behind me actually because I was laying on a sectional) was this tall dark figure. I think it was sitting though. It had on a black velvet cloak with a hood and it had no face! The face part was dark dark gray smoke! I said to my mom, as she was rubbing her eyes to gain vision, "LOOK!" She said, "Oh My GOD!" and began praying. I was crying and stiff as a board. I could not move! I told her to turn on the TV to
see if the light would make it go away...it didn't, and she continued praying. I told her to turn on the lamp and she did, and it was still there and she continued praying. She prayed and prayed, I cried out to God to help and the thing didn't budge! Finally after I don't know how long, the thing started to disappear. BUT, not all at once...piece by piece in a black vapor of smoke!
Not too long after, one afternoon I was walking down the hall headed to the bathroom. When I got right to the bathroom, I seen a pair of transparent hands reaching out trying to grab me! And inside the bathroom, there was a pair of red glowing eyes! I was so afraid! But couldn't leave because I had nowhere else to go and live. My mother didn't want to move...she was super religious and believed that her prayer would keep them from harming us...but she failed to realize how these images were distorting my emotions!
A short time after that...one afternoon I was sitting in the living room watching television with my mom and a friend. It was sunny outside and no lights were on in the house. The blinds were open, which made it easy for sun to reflect shadows onto the walls. Near the hallway sat a shelf that my mother would place her "nickknacks" on. I also would place my clipboard that I used for drawing on the bottom shelf. I happened to glance at the shelf and seen my clipboard moving, as if someone were tugging at it. For some reason I glanced onto the hallway wall and looked at the shadow of the shelf. I seen a lady standing there with a young child, a girl, who appeared to be about 2 years in age. They both wore dresses...pilgrim style it seemed. In the shadow, the little girl was tugging at my clipboard. Each time she would tug, I'd glance at my clipboard and it was moving! I told my mom and friend to look, but they never seen anything...they said it was my imagination!
I ended up moving out of there about a year later. Had dreams afterward that would come true about death of a family member...would even see death in peoples eyes and they would die. It slowly wore off after a while of not living there. I heard that about 8 years ago the building just burned down for no apparent reason. The investigators could find no cause of the fire.

Since then, the name has changed and that building is obviously torn down. The years following my residence there, there were many murders and crimes. I'm sure you could google southland apartments and get it's exact location. I feel that the land there is possessed!

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Apr 27, 2024
For Joe and Sherri NEW
by: Doug Henson

Hi all, this is Doug. Joe i remember your mom very well. If she still around? I'd love i her in contact with her and say hello.
And for Sherri,i think i remember you too. I'll leave my contact info for a Facebook if either of you care to get in touch. I hope all is well for both of you.


Apr 23, 2024
by: Joe

I remember the night Kristi was murdered she had just left from our house to meet up with someone, my mom was Jill a good friend of hers they both had worked at Arby's at the time. The police took my mom in for questioning I remember being woke up and having to go to a neighbors

Apr 17, 2024
Woodbrook 2 NEW
by: Anonymous

I grew up in the '80s in the woodbrook 2 and my grandparents lived in Amber woods. I remember it was a really, really rough neighborhood growing up as a child and I remember the woods that I used to walk through to go to school at Meyer elementary and I remember the dead rats hanging from the trees. Weird symbols. I remember one time me and my friends walking through the woods. There was a dude laying down masturbating and tried to get us to come over and watch place was crazy. I used to hang out in the crawl space and smoke cigarettes. It's 7 years old. I used to run from a crack dealer named tyreke. He was 14 everyday. My mom would lock the door so she could smoke, crack with the neighbors and all of us kids would be outside. Definitely a Detroit childhood Aunt. A lot of weird s*** going on there anyway, but I've moved that

Oct 28, 2023
ButterFly Effect NEW
by: Jimmy

My heart is still broke for kristie i was supose to pick her up that night she was murdered i called her spoke to her told her i would be by then i stoped by my neighbors before i was going to leave & started drinking some beers he had, i caught a buzz & decided not to drive out to taylor from deteoit i should have called her & told her i wasnt coming over.If she didnt wait for me or if i would have drove over there i honestly feel she would still be alive i feel like its part my fault i was a 17 year old iresponsable kid back then & im sorry kriste sorry shawn.

Oct 15, 2023
Question answering poltergeist Tv NEW
by: Ben57

Grew up on Eureka between 1984-1999 in Pine Ridge.
Never seen anything ghost like but in some houses down by Beech Daly I sure as sheet did.
There was a time I stayed the night at a friend's that lived on Beech Daly between Eureka and Pennsylvania and we stayed up all night hanging out like usual and his TV started changing channels on me while he was in the kitchen grabbing us snacks.
I was flipping back and forth from the Lions preseason game and sports center and all of a sudden the channel changed.
First few times I figured I just bumped the remote or whatever.
However it kept happening and so after about five times it began to freak me TF out.
So I went and explained it to him, I can still remember he was making us ham and cheese croissants lol.
Anyhow he thought I was butts but came back to see for himself, damn thing kept doing it.
So while he finished making the sandwiches and grabbing us drinks and chips he had his older brother come look.
He was kind of hammered and passed out on the living room couch.
He kind of stuck his head in the room and seen our pile of remotes and then seen the TV change channels without us using a remote and said "I'm too drunk for this shit and left and went back to sleep on the living room couch.
So again I was alone with a Tv that had a mind of it's own.
Also once again the Tv began interfering with my Lions game and sports center watching so I began talking aloud.
Figuring it had to be a ghost as I had also seen some wild things and heard others while a small child up north in Cadillac Michigan.
While speaking aloud I said "I'm going to ask you questions and if the answer is yes, go to channel 42 and if it is no, go to channel 70.
I don't recall the exact numbers or channels I used but then I began asking questions.
The first one I asked was if the Lions would win a super bowl within the next ten years and it went to the channel that said no.
I was so freaked out after a few questions that I went back out to the kitchen and hurried my friend in with the snacks.
Honestly I can't even remember if we ate them that night because we were so enamored with that question answering TV.
We sat up all night asking it questions about our future and about the future of our local sports teams and anything else you could imagine a teenage boy asking what they thought was a future telling question answering TV.
After awhile we began trying other things, more random to completely rule out anyone somehow fucking with us.
We didn't ask questions, we would say things like.
Go to a channel with big tits and it went to a channel with a lady running on a treadmill and her tits were bouncing.
Whenever I would bring that night up my friend would get weird and deny it because he didn't want people to think he was crazy.
Idgaf, I know wtf I seen........

Oct 02, 2023
I remember NEW
by: Sherri

I lived in Southland from 1988-1991. I think Kristy was a year older than me, and though I didn’t know her well, I remember how awful and scary it was when she was murdered.
Doug, I remember you. I lived in the same building as Jill who also worked at Arby’s, and I think that’s how I met you and Kristy. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought of that tragedy, but I googled murders in Southland and ended up here.

Apr 08, 2022
lived there from 197 NEW
by: Anonymous

I lived in the southland apartments from late 1973 to July 1977. I did witness some occasional craziness but very dramatic. Going on Google maps not and seeing 95 percent of gone just blows me away. Honestly I have very fond memories of living there Eurkeadale to Harry S. Truman Jr High the GOOD OLE DAYS FOR SURE. Sadly it seems it change drastically later on.

Jul 15, 2021
RIP Kristy Lory NEW
by: Douglas Henson

Kristy isn't "alive and well". As much as I wish that were the case.
Crusty cousin you're full of shit

Jul 13, 2021
Crissy Cox NEW
by: Crusty younger cousin

Crissy is not dead she is actually still alive in doing well I hope everyone knows the rumors aren’t true she has a Facebook under her mother’s name if you actually want too get in touch with her just look her up

Nov 27, 2020
Piecing Together My Childhood
by: Melissa Gilbert


I went to Eurekadale and lived here for a hot minute as a child. I am trying to piece together all the places I lived throughout growing up. I am 32 and have lived about 30 places my entire life until I bought my home 4 years ago.

I actually remember walking through these apartments to the apartment I lived with my mom, dad, and brother. Sometimes my cousins would come over, but they didn't live with us. I remember being jumped by a group of girls and I remember hearing a story of a child that was killed in the bathtub by accident because his older sibling turned on only the hot water...could totally not be real.

I was just searching for a news article on these apartment and to find out what happened to them when I came across this site. Wow. Intense. I was born in 88 so it was the early 90's that I lived there as a child. This is crazy!

Nov 14, 2020
Kristie Lori murder (not sure of spelling) NEW
by: Anonymous

I found her shot dead behind our car in the parking lot...we heard a horrific scream/shot but didn't see anything from our upstairs apartment...curious I went down to our lot to look around and waking from the passengers side around to the back of our car,there she was...appeared to be spot in her neck...eyes wide open and a terrified look on her face has haunted me since. I was interviewed by channel 7 Acton news and have a Vhs of it somewhere.

Apr 10, 2020
Southland memories
by: Anonymous

Hello, I lived in Southland Apts when I was very young in the early 80’s with my mom, who was on drugs. I remember some vague and strange memories that may relate to child porn...does anyone know if there was anything like that going on there back then? I remember walking to another townhouse to see a man, alone (I was about 5 years old).

Jun 04, 2019
wow not the southland apts I lived in. NEW
by: Anonymous

I lived in the southland apartments from 1973 to 1977. Only witnessed one situation that was dangerous. Sounds like it really got crazy no murders or violence when I lived there

Feb 18, 2019
Southland Apts
by: Anonymous

My mom and dad both worked as property manager and maintenance supervisor when I was a kid.. My dad took over Southland apts as maintenance supervisor after the manager was murdered.. I remember helping pulling up all the bloody carpet in the office.. I remember a lot of crazy people and murders there.. I was always worried for my parents safety.. I lived in all the apts on that strip at one point.. That area is definitely evil!! I also remember the security guard that drove the apts at night time, I think he was murdered also if I’m not mistaken..

Sep 30, 2018
About Kristi NEW
by: Douglas Henson

Kristi was cashing a check at the 7-11 the night she was murdered. On her way home to her Mom's apartment in Southland, she was accosted by a crackhead who tried to rob not rape her. He demanded her money and when she refused and tried to get away, he shot her. I wish I could remember his name but kind of glad I don't. Again she was not raped. She was my girlfriend at the time and I was a pallbearer for her funeral. After many years I am finally back in touch with her brother.
she was a wonderful and very kind young lady. she worked for everything she had, that is where we met. We worked together at the Arby's on Eureka near Inkster Rd, when it first opened.
I still think about her often. She was 17 years old and it was 29 years ago. I think it will be 30 years in Jan or Feb when it happened.


Sep 25, 2018
Pine Ridge in the 80s NEW
by: Anonymous

Crack, prostitutes, constant violence.. The basis of me growing up in Pine Ridge.. Lots of good memories there too.. I have a couple lifelong homies that are free not in prison.. Most are dead or in prison... It’s a neighborhood where poor folks didn’t aim too high in life.. If you had real car insurance you were the man... That land is haunted from Eureka and Inkster to down to Beech Daly... Nothing like the 80s craziness there.. Seems like it’s ok there now.. but still a poor area

Aug 18, 2017
wow NEW
by: Anonymous

I was just searching to see my old neighborhood and found this! my family lived in Pine Ridge...aka Crack Ridge. I did see a lot of bad things there but also have good memories of riding my bike. I remember a lot of fires, dumpster and car fires. My brother got shot in the head crossing our street when he was 3, he is fine, but the guy never got in trouble! that was in 1980. I went to myers elementary school...there were so many fights there. I remember a lady across the street named wilma. And there was a lady named Janice around, my dad "hung" with her. I used to play kissing tag with a boy, his stepdad beat him so much his brained swelled and he died. Crazy days.

Jun 26, 2017
Wow this takes me back NEW
by: A.

I was living in the back of the complex, a townhouse and was 13 when I heard the Kristi Lory story. I did not know her and can only say what the "neighborhood story" was that was going around. People said that she walked up to in and out party store on eureka rd and two African men who were in the store buying liquor ( in and out owner said this at the time ) and noted the young lady and commented on how pretty she was and that they were going to "have sex with that tonight" direct quote from in and out owner. They followed her across the street where CVS is now but at that time it was an empty field. They beat and raped her, so the story goes and murdered her leaving her body in the field. I did not see the crime happen, this is what neighbors and the owner of the party store said at that time.

Jun 22, 2017
Southland Apartments NEW
by: Tracey B.

I lived in Southland Apts from 1976 to June 1980. I attended Eurekadale Elementary (teachers Nancy Hamsey & Deborah Zeiger) I believe Mr. Olchowski was principal. Was at Truman Jr. High for 7th grade. Went to Gilead Baptist Church. I have such fond memories of Apr 201, skateboarding thru the parking lot. Sad to hear the area went went down like that. Took a drive thru on Sat June 17, 2017. I was shocked to see Scott Dr was gone. The circle drive that Sat in front of the clubhouse is still there in the middle of what's now called Phoenix Park. Eurekadale sold land where the portables were but looks great. The investors did a great job, thecurrent Apts loom amazing. IGA is gone but A&W is still open.

Jan 26, 2016
Corey NEW
by: Anonymous

I worked in Amberwoods at the time. I was 22. Shortly after that the maintenance guy BJ was killed in amberwoods. what nightmares. cholmeseleven@yahoo.com

Oct 28, 2015
My story NEW
by: Tiffany

I posted this thread on here years ago, never knowing that so many people reflected back on that area and had something to share. Thank you all for keeping the thread going. It's obviously a part of all of our history. Personally, I feel the whole land over there needs an exorcism! Whoever is sensitive and lives on that land, is going to have ghostly experiences. There's evil spirits there and that's why all
Of us have something to share about this place because it has affected us in one way or another!

Oct 28, 2015
Kristy Lori NEW
by: Anonymous

After watching a touching tv show, i began to reminisce about my friend Kristy Lori. She was so sweet and loved to laugh. I remember her smile that lit up a room. I will never forget that night, i was sitting on the couch and her face was shown on the news. I believe i cried for days lasting up to the funeral. I could never forget such a special person. After her death is when my parents decided to move us out of the area and that is when i lost all my friends. You are still missed very much Kristy.

Oct 04, 2015
Kristie Lory NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm Kristie Lory's 1st cousin, I was only 10 years old when she died, but I remember it like yesterday. She was a very sweet girl and had her life stolen from her, so young. She was the 1st person close to me that had ever died. The scumbag who killed her name is Shawn Spivey, he was only like 20 or 21 at the time and has been eight where he belongs, on prison and will be until the day he dies. But, I love and miss her very much, and still think about her from time to time.

Nov 28, 2014
the old bad days NEW
by: Anonymous

I never lived in southland apartments thank goodness I did in Amberwoods who was the manager there back in the early 90s he was a older man can't remember his name .

Nov 28, 2014
terror in southland NEW
by: Anonymous

I like to know who the manager was at Sherwood apartments on Eureka in the 90s and the maintenance workers at amberwoods

Nov 28, 2014
haunting memories NEW
by: Anonymous

I sympathize with you years ago I lived in line ridge but I'm now living in commons senior living where I'm living now is very nice but my apartment is haunted I'm always seeing images I even took pictures of them I took dozens of photos but people think I'm crazy but I'm not I know what I see I'm not afraid of them because I know they won't hurt me but I remember southland apartments I'm glad they tore them down that was a horrible place annoyous

Nov 28, 2014
haunting memories NEW
by: Anonymous

I sympathize with you years ago I lived in line ridge but I'm now living in commons senior living where I'm living now is very nice but my apartment is haunted I'm always seeing images I even took pictures of them I took dozens of photos but people think I'm crazy but I'm not I know what I see I'm not afraid of them because I know they won't hurt me but I remember southland apartments I'm glad they tore them down that was a horrible place annoyous

Jun 29, 2014
My Aunt Jan NEW
by: Anonymous

I was trying to look up old news articles and was so surprised some had written about this. Janice Cox was my aunt, a second mother to me. There isn't a day that goes by I don't think about her at some point. I can't wait for the day I get to see her again. I was young but it seems like i wasn't, I remember so much. the smell of her apartment, the smell of the lotion that she would put on every night before watching COPS on tv. She said she would like to be a cop and get rid of the bad guys. She always had the powder nesquik I loved chocolate milk, I remember sitting on counter and she standing beside me and I'm just stirring my cup.. I always stayed with her and she always took me to work with her. I was suppose to be there that morning with her, for some reason I ended up not being there. For a long time I wished I was there because then I would be in heaven with her. I loved this woman so much it still hurts so bad. I remember telling my mom I wanted to go to heaven with her. My cousin Crissy had a real hard road because of this horrible piece of shit low life man. I only wish the worse for him.

May 29, 2014
what really happened to Kristy? NEW
by: Anonymous

can anyone tell me what really happened to Kristy Lori? we went to elementary school together, and we lost tough, then I heard she had been killed but keep hearing all kinds of stories? what really happened?

May 29, 2014
what really happened to Kristy? NEW
by: Anonymous

can anyone tell me what really happened to Kristy Lori? we went to elementary school together, and we lost tough, then I heard she had been killed but keep hearing all kinds of stories? what really happened?

Oct 15, 2013
southland apartments NEW
by: Tanya

I lived in southland apts for years. Had three different apts over the years my mother and I were there. Finally ended up in the townhouses in the back. I lived there for 16 years. I onew of a few deaths that had occured there. The first apartment we lived in a man had been stabbed to death we found out later. Then I lived right begind the office near the matinence garage. It is what it is. I had fun in the old park jumping the creek. Or the sledding hill. So not everything was bad in my opinion.

Sep 29, 2013
southland, woodbrook, pine ridge, amberwoods NEW
by: david wade

I grew up there through the 80's and it was a god awful neighborhood. I don't think anyone necessarily WANTED to live there, but it was low income housing, so it was what it was. I remember that anytime a unit caught, fire the whole building would be destroyed. That happened pretty often, but they'd always rebuild. At some point, however, they stopped. Southland ain't even there anymore. That whole neighborhood was like the crack wild west back in the day though..

Sep 29, 2013
southland, woodbrook, pine ridge, amberwoods NEW
by: david wade

I grew up there through the 80's and it was a god awful neighborhood. I don't think anyone necessarily WANTED to live there, but it was low income housing, so it was what it was. I remember that anytime a unit caught, fire the whole building would be destroyed. That happened pretty often, but they'd always rebuild. At some point, however, they stopped. Southland ain't even there anymore. That whole neighborhood was like the crack wild west back in the day though..

Sep 01, 2013
Kristy Lory NEW
by: Anonymous

She was my best friend I lived with her mom her and her brother was it Janice shawns ex that was shot

Sep 01, 2013
Kristy Lory NEW
by: Anonymous

She was my best friend I lived with her mom her and her brother was it Janice shawns ex that was shot

Jul 05, 2013
Southland NEW
by: William Southard

It's easy to remember death, drugs, shootings and other random acts of violence. I also remember these things clearly but i also remember my childhood and the only stable household i ever had! I lived with my grandmother who took me in and gave me stability. Those apartments hold some of my dearest memories and it saddens me ill never be able to revisit those memories ever again ... I still remember every detail of our apt 15394 scott dr apt 202

Jul 05, 2013
Southland NEW
by: Willi Southard

It's easy to remember death, drugs, shootings and other random acts of violence. I also remember these things clearly but i also remember my childhood and the only stable household i ever had! I lived with my grandmother who took me in and gave me stability. Those apartments hold some of my dearest memories and it saddens me ill never be able to revisit those memories ever again ... I still remember every detail of our apt 15394 scott dr apt 202

May 21, 2013
South land apartments NEW
by: Jenny

I also lived in south land apartments I moved out right before Kristie Lory was murdered....She was an innocent soul & would never harm anybody....human garbage took her life & I'm glad that he will rot in prison...

Mar 07, 2013
The day Janice Cox was killed NEW
by: Anonymous

I lived upstairs from that crazy man. I am the one that started this post. I was pregnant at the time and him and his crazy wife was constantly coming upstairs and complaining that I was walking across the floor too heavily. The morning she was shot I was sleeping and to this day am grateful! He could of came upstairs and shot me. That place was awful! I was friends with Janice's daughter Christy. I think Marsha Barnes almost got shot too. That all could have been prevented. That man had been causing trouble since he moved in. The people that lived there in that apartment before me, had issues with that man as well. A girl named Stephanie lived there previously and I think he tried to do something to her in the hallway. Hopefully he burns in hell! He was definitely evil.

Mar 05, 2013
The area has vastly improved. NEW
by: Douglas Henson

They were at their worst through most of the 80's when crack cocaine was introduced to the inner city's.

Mar 05, 2013
The manager NEW
by: Anonymous

I managed Amberwoods at the time when Janice was shot. And there was only one maintance manager shot, Shane, he was shot in the back. He thretened her the night before, she called the police, they could not do anything about a threat. The next morning at 8am he came in and shot her in the face. Then took his own family hostage to try and not be arrested. I will never forget that day.

Oct 01, 2012
Kristie Lory NEW
by: Douglas Henson

I was actually the one who was dating Kristie Lory when she was murdered. I would like to know who claimed otherwise. She was actually 17 when that man killed her. I know and will never forget and will always miss Kristi. They took me to jail that night before they caught the real killer. Very sad, she was a hardworking young woman with an awesome future torn from her. If any of her blood family see this, I would really love to get in touch with you guys. It has been so long and it is hard to believe that after all these years I still remember her smile clearly to this very day!
Douglas Henson

Sep 02, 2012
still terrible NEW
by: Anonymous

my girlfriend at the time was kristy lory, the apartments still need to be torn down, all of them

Mar 15, 2012
response to march 15th comment NEW
by: Anonymous

It's on Eureka rd between inkster and beech daly. there are a few apartment complexes there, but this one sits right behind the little shopping plaza where there is a smoke shop, big liquor store and what use to be a subway...these were not town homes, but apartments. The one I lived in where I had these experiences was directly in the center. It burned down, so I think there is like a field there now or something.

Mar 15, 2012
location NEW
by: Tim

Where exactly were these apartments. I remember my sister living there when. I remeber her talking about it being a bad neighbor hood but when You look at it now it does not apeir to be in that bad of a neighbor hood.

Jan 09, 2012
i remember
by: Anonymous

I remember this very well. My father was a maintenance worker when this happened. he just left when the guy was walking in. I too lived in Southland Apartments. building 4. My best friend Kristy lory was shot to death in the parking lot there when she was 16. So much crime there. So sad!

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