My Ouija Board Expreience

by Annessa Gibson
(brainerd, minnesota, United States)

I was at my friends house and I seen a ouija board in her sisters bedroom, I thought we should play it. We had to wait for my friends sister to get home because my friend was to scared to do it. Well honestly, I didn't think I would get anything. I decided to play a trick....well try to anyway. I asked a question which I already knew the answer to. I asked "Am I Pregnant?". It said yes, I laughed because I knew there was no way. Then I asked who was the father, it said "Ben". Which is my boyfriends name. That was kinda weired. But I shook it off. Then I asked if it was a boy or a girl, it said girl. Then I asked where was the baby said "Tree". And at that point I started freaking out because I hadn't told my friend or her sister that I had sex with my boyfriend Ben in a 'tree'house. I got scared and got up and left. That happened last night, and I don't know if i'm pregnant or not. But i'm quite interested in whats going to happen in two weeks. Guess i'll just have to wait and see if i'm pregnant.

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Mar 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

Its made up probably.

Feb 11, 2012
Ouiji Warning
by: Kitty

You should be really careful dealing with ouiji boards. They can invite unwanted guests, guests that would do great harm to you and your family. If you EVER decide to use a ouiji board again, burn white sage and create a protective circle, or invoke the name of your god (goddess?) to protect you and those with you. Despite the fact that they are sold as games in stores, ouiji boards are anything but. They can be dangerous and draw unwanted attention to yourself or others with you. Whenever you use a ouiji board, treat with seriousness and respect. You never know whom you are communicating with when use them.

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