by Raven
I honestly think my house is haunted. Here is a story to prove it. Now, this story might not seem scary, but it was. One morning, I had awoken at the sound of a big bang against my wall.(Even though there would never be a point for anyone to do that)This bang got just the slightest bit softer, but not much. At first, I thought it was a robber trying to to break the wall to get in to my house. But, I happened to glance at the clock and noticed it was around 7:00 and I was kind of confused. Two questions occurred to me... "#1-Why would someone be breaking in to my house at 7:00 in the morning?" and "#2-Even if a robber was trying to break my houses wall to get inside, they could easily just open the unlocked door that was very easy to get to?" I kept on hearing this for a minute or two.