movie night.
by Haley Armstrong
(Edmonton, AB, canada)
One night my friend and I were watching a scary movie and we heard someone in the kitchen. We thought it was my brother until my dog started to bark and whine so we decided to go check it out. After we made our way up the stairs we saw the chair moving across the room but no one was there. It wasn't floating, but just being dragged. We ran upstairs to tell my brother but when we came back the chair was back in its place.
Nothing else happend that night but in the morning we woke up to see our kitchen completely trashed. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.
About a week later more started to happen. furniture moved, weird noises in the middle of the night, and my dog keeps having mini panic attacks right before it happens. I thought it was my mind screwing with me until one day I looked in the mirror and saw her.