loganville, GA hidden creek

If you ever come into this town, there are many haunted areas. This is a true story that happened about 50 years ago on an open creek land. A girl was walking through a field, and suddenly a tractor cut on by itself and started coming towards her. She tried to run, but the tractor hit her while she was in the water running, resulting in a broken neck. She died and weeds grew on top of her body. some of my friends and I went to the site, and we heard screams. we looked around, but couldn't find anything. nothing was there. Going through the creek where she was hit, my friend, with him being so stupid, threw a rock at the site where she died. as he was crossing, the rock under him slipped out from under his feet and hurled across the field. We did something that any person would do; we screamed and ran like little girls.

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May 21, 2019
Little Haynes Creek (the comment below this)
by: Emily

If whoever left the comment below mine happens to read this, I’d love to get in touch with you. I grew up on Chandler Haulk, a mile from that bridge and walked down to it all the time when I was a kid. My parents still live there. I never got any weird vibes, but I didn’t know anyone had died there. Shoot me an email at emilyxsarah@gmail.com!

Sep 06, 2018
haunted woods and river NEW
by: Anonymous

Iv lived in Loganville all my life. My grandma recently moved in next store a few years ago. An older woman died in the house and whenever im there I get weird vibes. One day my friend and I were in her woods when we were able to talk to a ghost. When looking back at the footage I took there was a black figure crouching behind a tree. Then it dissapeared.

Another story iv heard is about a small river/stream about a 30min walk 2min drive from my house. I havent gotten the whole story but I have gotten parts of it. Apparently a teeange boy crashed his forwheeler down there and he died. Theres an old concrete bridge and agaain I always get weird vibes when Im there. The name of the creek is 'Little Haynes Creek and It's off of Chandler Walk and Johnson rode. When passing the river theres a mile long dirt road which is earily creepy vibe and a bunch of abandoned shacks. If I find anything els out ill post but for now this is all I have.

Aug 01, 2014
were is this NEW
by: Anonymous

i'm in loganville i would like to know were this is

Aug 01, 2014
were is this NEW
by: Anonymous

i'm in loganville i would like to know were this is

Oct 31, 2011
House on Zion Woods
by: Anonymous

We used to live at 144 Zion Woods Road and we was scared to death many times. We had electric fire detectors that would go off even after we cut the electric wires that went to them. When you was in the main bathroom you just knew you was being watched. My son was in the kitchen and something jerked the back of his shirt and he was home alone. After that my 3 kids would not go into the house alone until my husband or I got home from work. There is something evil in that house.

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