Kathie-my 'imaginary' friend
by Camille
(Chàmps Elysées, Paris, France)
Going back to the time when I was 6;
It had only been 4 months since we (my dad, mom, me & my 9 year old younger brother, James) had moved into our new house in Eureka Springs, AR. It was an exquisite mansion, complete with golden borders on the bed, sofas and cushions. I loved this mansion, and I chose one rose-pink room to be my room. I met this one girl who was always dressed in a long blue silk gown, hair in pigtails with a red ribbon on each one. She told me her name was Kathie, and that her parents had gone to Mexico leaving her alone. She also said that she was 12. I always told mom about Kathie, but she never believed me. One time, I went in my room to change my clothes. I found Kathie stuck in a corner of the room, shivering. I asked her what the matter was, and she answered "My brother keeps visiting me. I'm scared of him" I asked why but she kept quiet and said "I can't say. Please stay here, he will come again after a while and I need you to talk to him"
Just as she finished saying, a huge, black shadowy figure entered through the round window near my bed. I was so scared I ran downstairs and stopped in the hall. And there Kathie was, and one thing I knew, she was furious at me. She disappeared and was never to be seen again.