Sometimes, as you call them, 'orbs' can just be the result of reflection if you are taking the picture in front of a mirror. It can also be caused by unseen street lights, if you are taking a picture while on a bridge (the railings cover the light, but that light appears in that photo. Why? Because, the camera senses the gap between the railings and thus, the big ball of light that most of the people think are 'orbs' appears). The same thing happened to me, and here is the picture of the 'orb' that appeared in my photo.
BTW I'm not from Champs Elysées, neither Paris nor France. :P I'm actually from Adelaide.
Jan 18, 2012 Rating
Must of overlooked that :) by: Sky
See what rushing gets ya. :)
Jan 18, 2012 Rating
Sky. . by: Camille
. .I already mentioned this IS light. I know about orbs finely. This picture is very old and I don't even know why I submitted this!
Jan 17, 2012 Rating
You can tell THIS is light by: Sky
Dear..this is so much different if you actually knew orbs..that this is just either a flash in a mirror or street light..orbs don't have this cast around it as does your photo..
While your entitled to your opinion, this is not a Angel or spirit orb.
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