Indiana, Brooke Emma- HAUNTED HOUSE
by Emma Brooke
(Indiana, Solsberry)
There is a house we live RIGHT NEXT TO practicly. The story is FREAKY.
There was a girl that was filling her chimney with coal. (On the top of the roof) Weird. And then she fell in and when she got out there was her ex boyfriend SHE DUMPED.
Then he said, "Ready to die?" Then she ran, got a phone, and she ran out of the house.
He locked her out. She got on top of the roof again and went down headfirst.
She didnt realize that the HUGE MACHETTE was sticking in the chimney.
She got sliced pretty much on her head. The house was taken down and the chimney was still up.
They knoked it down.
That is a SCARY STORY.
Thanks for reading.