I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do.
by Tammy Santin
(Barre, Vt. 05641 USA)
I have a daughter age 13 who is able to see spirits, sense them and sometimes communicate with them. for a year or so now she has described a man who appears from time to time and spends time sitting in a chair in the basement of our house. Curious to her descriptions, I get a photo of my grandfather when he was alive and show it to her, he passed before she was born so she did not know him. Anyway she says yes, that is him.
Recently I find a photo with a rather large orb in it. The photo is taken of me at Christmas time 2008. There are two almost identical photos taken within minutes apart, as my husband is trying to get me to look at the camera, you can tell because in the first photo I am looking away. That one has the orb in it and the other does not. The orb is too large to be dust and the pic is taken inside. There appears to be a face in the center of the orb. Recognizable to me and my family as my Papa.
I took this orb photo and an old pic of him and held the two pictures together and placed a flashlight behind the two pics, then I lined up the eyes from the orb pic and the other pic of him. When I did this the cheeks and nose and lips line up perfectly, it is like the faces completely blend into one face, my Papas'.
Sorry but dust particles don't resemble your passed loved ones. It is obvious to me that he just wanted to be seen and enjoy our family Christmas together.
NB. Thanks for the story, try uploading your pictures again, we'd love to see them, HH x