Highland, Illinois Monkey Bridge

by Jeff Swift
(Highland, Illinois, Madiscon County)

Monkey Bridge

In the early 1900’s there was an African American man who lived with the traveling circus. In this era the circus commonly traveled by train and Highland, Illinois was the days stop for the circus.

From what I understand and through much speculation, for many months this man wanted to escape from his life on the road and start a new life in St. Louis.

This man just happened to be one of the animal caretakers and especially had a lot of interaction with the circus monkeys.

When the train stopped and prepartions for the circus began this man decided he would take one of the circus monkeys and start his trip to St. Louis to try and form his own act.

As you can imagine word spread quick of the lost monkey and the man. In an attempt to escape the man decided to hide under a bridge in the middle of the country a couple miles from town in order to wait for night to travel.

As dusk approached, the search area expanded to the countryside just outside town. By this time the fleeing man was starting to have serious trouble with the restless monkey.

Just before the sun went down a car passed over the bridge. The monkey would not quite down from the noise of the passing car, and in order to try to conceal his hiding spot, the fleeing man was forced to kill the monkey, but his action came to late.

Shortly after successfully smothering the monkey the man was seized by one of the search parties and hung in one of the trees next to the bridge.

It said that if you travel once over the bridge and then get out of your car the man and his monkey can still be seen hiding beneath the old bridge.

Other witness accounts have reported seeing a man hanging by neck and swaying in the trees next to the bridge. Monkey bridge is located on Hickory Flat Road just west of Highland, Illinois.

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Feb 09, 2025
HHS Secret Tradition NEW
by: Anonymous

I know we’re not supposed to talk about this, but like… how can I *not* put people on? Monkey Bridge is the highest level of skibidi cheer squad initiation at HHS. If you make varsity, some of the seniors get you drunk, drive you out there, tell you the story while you’re standing outside the car—then straight-up *dip*, leaving you there. I was like, whatever, it’s just a dumb hazing thing. But bro, I SWEAR I saw a light under the bridge, and tell me why there was a whole-ass chimp just *living* under there. It didn’t come at me or anything, but I was losing my mind. That thing could’ve *ripped my face off*.

One of the seniors said a girl a few years back literally shit herself in front of everyone, quit the team, and moved away like three days later. And one time, this other girl saw the Swinging Man but thought it was some dude from our school messing around—until he *grabbed* her. She broke her wrist trying to get away. Like, nah. Y’all can have that.

Jul 19, 2020
I’m afraid monkeys are following me around NEW
by: Anonymous

We went - I did this. It worked. And now monkeys are following me around. I turn on the TV and I see monkeys that I’m not sure anyone else sees. They are at the grocery store, the road, the movies. The worst mistake Of my life was going to this bridge and seeing what we saw. Now all I see is monkeys.

Sep 02, 2019
Location NEW
by: Anonymous

It is located on hickory flat rd by marine and highland

Oct 14, 2018
Help NEW
by: Tim

Help where is Monkey bridge in Highland Illinois

Sep 14, 2018
Unbelievable NEW
by: Gerald Wickiser

I’ve always been skeptical of these stories, despite even coming from an area known for its famous "paranormal" stories, locations, etc.

Monkey Bridge, however, is on another level. A friend and I stopped over the bridge shortly after midnight, and we swear we looked into the eyes of a man under the bridge. I have never been more scared in my life. We couldn’t have gotten back into our car and drove away any faster.

To this day, I still don’t have a proper explanation. I’m absolutely sure of what I saw.

Apr 20, 2016
Wow. NEW
by: Anon

Hickory Flat Road is off interstate 70, in the middle of country roads. I drive over this bridge weekly and I have since I was real young. I've never gotten the guts to stop and get out during the night. It's very creepy down by the bridge and completely pitch black when you are driving to get to it. This summer I'm looking to go visit it at night, and I'll be sure to comment my experience.

Apr 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Where is it??

Jun 23, 2015
I sharted NEW
by: Chad

I crissed the bridge on my way home and sharted for no reason. Wtf. It actually worked.

Nov 17, 2013
Monkey In Highland? NEW
by: Erin S.

I was driving home on Hickory Flat and when I went across this bridge something brown ran across the road in front of me. I thought I might of hit it because it was so close to my car (well, I didn’t feel my car hit it but I’ve never really run over an animal or anything so idk what that would feel like). So I got out to check and make sure I didn’t hurt it or hurt my car or anything and there was this brown fur everywhere over at the start of the bridge. I looked off the bridge in the direction that it was running but I didn’t see anything. I felt really bad because I thought I must have hit somebodies dog so I went around the bridge and was walking down to the creek ditch thing. I heard all this scratchy noise but I figured it was the dog moving around hurt. I was shining my phone around and at the same time I saw the animal-which was NOT a dog!- I heard a man making noise and it sounded like he was really hurt. I got out of there so fast. I might have heard something running after me but maybe that was my imagination. When I went across the bridge all of the fur was gone and I am not kidding. I googled this when I got home and this page came up. This is so crazy! I have no idea what that animal was, but now that I read this it definitely could have been a monkey. I’m so glad I found this because I thought I was maybe crazy.

Nov 12, 2013
Scary Haloween NEW
by: Anonymous

Me and a bunch of friends went there for Halloween. We heard the guy and saw stuff moving over by the trees, maybe like footsteps. I don’t get scared but this scared me. All my friends were scared.

Oct 04, 2013
Check This Out!!! NEW
by: Steven

I have no idea how I didn’t know about this. I thought I’d been to all the local haunted spots. As soon as I heard about this one, I went there the same night. It was wild. A must see if you like this sort of thing. The only one that scared me more than this was the gates of hell.

Sep 12, 2013
Whoa!!!!! NEW
by: Laura A.

People at my school have been buzzing about this so me and my boyfriend wanted to check it out. We forgot flashlights and left our phones in the car so we couldn’t see much but when we heard all the moaning we got out of there!

Apr 15, 2013
Craziest experience ever! NEW
by: Drew K

My friend is Tyler who commented before me. He took me and my brother here and told me to post my experience on this site. I’m going to try to put down every detail I remember. We went there a little before 11:00 on a weekend. Drove across the bridge once and pulled over on the north side of the road. This is when things got real messed up. As soon as we stepped out of the truck there was a strange sense in the air. I know this is weird, but it felt like there was seriously something watching us. Anyways, when we got to the middle of the bridge and tried to turn on the camera it didn’t work. There was full battery and let me just say it is a really nice camera, its my dad’s. Then seriously like two seconds later my brothers flashlight burnt out. I turned on my flashlight app on my phone and shined it under the bridge. I know this sounds fake, but I’m not joking it felt like it was ripped out of my hand. I was being careful and was holding it really tight, but it was like pulled from my hand. I don’t know how else to explain it. Anyways, I dropped it off the bridge and as soon as we lost the light we heard the yelling Tyler told us about then heard something running through the brush at us. Tyler shined his phone where the sound was coming from and there was definitely a set of eyes, but it was too dark to see anything else. We jumped in my truck and took off immediately. I came back in the morning once the sun came up to get my phone and I know where I dropped it, but it was like 10 feet away and somehow my really good case was taken off and the screen was smashed. I have no idea how that could have happened if it wasn’t the monkey. I am kind of messed up by this and really want to figure out whats going on. If you know anything at all about this please post because I just want to know.

Mar 10, 2013
Monkey bridge NEW
by: Doug

I pooped on this bridge

Mar 10, 2013
Monkey bridge NEW
by: Doug

I pooped on this bridge

Mar 03, 2013
How is this possible? NEW
by: Tyler

Went with some friends last night to check out Monkey Bridge. We thought it was a joke and wanted to creep out some girls. This is serious though! We heard something moving under the bridge and heard a guy yelling. There is no way it could have been anything else and it was totally real. I'm going back with some bros next week with a flashlight and try to record it. I can't believe I've lived near this my whole life and never knew about it.

Mar 03, 2013
by: McKenna

So these guys wanted to take me and my friend to this place and we didnt believe it was real or anything but we were still really freaked out kinda. It didnt work at first cuz we didnt go over the bridge so we were mad and thought the guys were just being extra but then we drove over it and got out AND IT WAS REAL!!!! WE HEARD A GUY MOANING FOR HELP AND WHEN WE LOOKED THERE WAS A GUY HANGING FROM A TREE!!!!!! PAIGE WAS CRYING AND WE WERE SO SCARED AND WE LEFT SO FAST!!! I AM NEVER GOING AGAIN! I NEVER WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN!!! DONT GO!!!!!!

Dec 29, 2012
Monkey Bridge wow! NEW
by: Dusty Brownsac

So me and my friends were home from college for winter break and decided to check out some local haunted spots, we had heard about this place and checked it out online to get more intimate details. Once we got there we heard screaming from the woods off the left hand side of the car, then off to the right we saw a shadowy figure leaning over. It was super freaky and I don't think any of us will be going back.

Dec 26, 2011
by: Nic Weiss

So a few nights ago me and my friends were trying to find something to do instead of our usual gay bar hopping around the metro east. We showed up and drove over the bridge and saw a little monkey run out in front of us. It was the freakiest thing I've ever seen since I don't believe monkeys are inhabiting the woods of southern Illinois.

Nov 24, 2011
by: Jason Brown

OMG. I spend a lot of my free time researching local haunted hotspots, and have in my travels experienced some very creepy locations. This specific location by far is one of, if not the creepiest of them all. Definitely worth checking out.

-Jason Brown

Jun 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Me and my friends just did Monkey Bridge!!! it completely worked. We stopped the car right after the bridge and got out of the car....WE were so SCARED!!!! we thought we saw something underneath the bridge and then a sound came out of the woods and we saw a rope hanging from a tree.

Everyone needs to check this spot out.


Jun 20, 2011
Holy Shit
by: Calvin

My friends and I went to Monkey Bridge after we read the story online. It is undoubtedly one of the freakiest places I have ever been to in my entire life. We saw a man swaying, hanging from a tree. It actually looked like the man was trying to swing himself closer to the tree, as if to get himself down. Needless to say, we instantaneously ran to our vehicle and got the hell out of there. I will not be going back to Monkey Bridge.

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