Henderson Ga (Perry)

by RD
(Perry Ga)

We lived in a house on Langston Cir. for 8 years. In the last 5, all of the following happened: Our 2 year old ran to us, crying and jabbering about "Black Eyes" coming for him, covers were pulled off of us, lights turned on and off (on different electrical circuits that were fine), toys were thrown at my child, toys turned themselves on, the TV turned itself on and off, we heard our child calling us when he wasn't, he heard us calling him when we weren't, we heard a jumble of womens voices in hushed conversation, our sons closet door opened itself (house not built with uneven floors), pictures vibrating on the wall, jewelry box doors vibrating, thumping around the bed like an old person walking with a cane, apparitions of a little girl and big man and dark figure running from room, the feeling that someone was stalking up behind you in the hallway, noises from an invisible dogs and bushes shaking when nothing there, things flying off shelves into the middle of the room, a woman saying "Hey baby" to our little boy in the bed.... Forever we ignored it until finally we just couldn't take it anymore and we moved. When we researched the history of the house, nothing came up of great concern, however it is built on land that was part of a plantation. It is also located right in the middle of American Indian trade routes that were taken over and settled by early Americans in the 1820s. Several plantations within walking distance but no notable reason for a haunting. The decision to move as the best thing we have ever done. Whatever was in the house got to the point that it tried to divide us all and we were always unusually irritable, moody and had angry outbursts (very uncharacteristic of all of us). The minute we moved we felt an great peace and light fill us, as if a burden had been lifted that we didn't realize was there all along.

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Dec 30, 2013
Perry, GA NEW
by: A Skeptic

Hi, I am a skeptic when it comes to the supernatural but I could not help but notice your location. My mother-in-law was from Milledgeville and also lived in Perry in the 1940s. In addition, a lot of my wife's family are from the Warner Robins area and Macon is my father-in-law's home. Small world indeed.


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