Ghost girl

by Ghoststories
(Not telling)

Well this story has been waiting for someone to read it. I myself refused at first to believe in ghosts UNTIL. It was a foggy fall night at the house. When I woke up I decided I was thirsty and needed a drink. I got up and poured some lemonade. Then right behind me I heard VERY faint footsteps like a whisper. I turned around and what to my wondering eyes there was nothing. So I shrugged and walked back to bed. I ignored the fear and was going to go back to sleep. Well my bedroom is downstairs. And I turned around to see a girl. Now this WASNT any girl, she had black hair (in her face) and a white cloak.

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Mar 25, 2012
by: Kitty

Seems like this apparition gets around. Wonder what the deal is?

Mar 24, 2012
Oh My God!!
by: Leila

I have seen this girl!! But in my dreams and it was exactly the same as yours! What I saw is I went to the kitchen for a drink and when I was returning from the hallway I saw this SAME girl standing in front of me! Now this is weird....
I saw and experienced it in a dream!

Mar 17, 2012
Oh My Goddess!
by: Kitty

I have seen the same apparition, I have a story posted here, and strangely enough it is labeled "Ghost Girl" as well. This girl, was she extremely pale? Did she "feel" evil? What was it like to see her? Did anyone else you know see her?

Sorry, I know I'm bombarding you with questions, but....I just want answers, and I hope you have some answers. Sorry.

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