Freemont Inn, Lakeview, Oregon

We understand this building used to be a mental hospital.

At midnight the alarm clock went off. Neither one of us had touched it.

At 1:30AM, someone or something got in my totebag and rattled the lifesaver candy bags that were down inside the tote bag. My husband swears there was someone in the room.
My tote bag, which I had purposely leaned against the wall, was laying flat on the floor.

There are other stories about this place. These are the two we experienced.

Comments for Freemont Inn, Lakeview, Oregon

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Sep 12, 2012
you must be drunk or on drugs NEW
by: Barbra shortlift

I stayed at fremont inn for 6 months on ruby pipeline project.The reason i pick this motel
because i belived your expirence.i love to see
ghost, but in that six months i never expirence
any ghost or none of my friends either.and also
at one point this was retirement facility not
a mental its a beautifull hotel, matter
fact one of the best in please stop misleading other people and dont waist time.
stop doing wrong advertistment.

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