Eerie Images

by Stacey
(Rome,Ga USA)

good vs evil

good vs evil

I took these pics at my neices house where she had just moved into.She said the place made her very uncomfortable,and she wouldnt ever stay there alone even in the daytime.So,when i had came to visit for the first time,it was on her birthday.I of course brought my camera to take some pics of us.The pics i got were very unexpected.

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Jan 11, 2025
Awesomeness creepy capture NEW
by: Anonymous

I truly cannot believe it even though I'm looking at it. Tha details of the wings are mind blowing and there is just SO MUCH happening. I bet you were shocked & amazed! Great photo! Best I've seen so clear!

Oct 17, 2015
Something is there. NEW
by: Anonymous

I understand what you are going through. Most people want to throw stones at you. No one wants to understand what they can not understand. I see many forms in the picture. I would tell you that the more you invite them the more that will happen. Make sure you want what you are asking for. I have had the same type of pictures in my house. I have tried to have them removed only to find that after they were removed I felt very depressed. I actually asked them to come back and now I don't know what to do . SO please understand that it is not just fun and games it is very real! If you have a chance to have them removed please don't be fooled into thinking you need them back. There are no spirits that are on this Earth that want to be here. Although I don't understand why they are here or why they are here it is not for a Good Reason.

Mar 08, 2013
skeptic NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a bit of a skeptic but the details are to defined there is no way that this is mirror smears

May 28, 2012
creepy catch
by: Nick

you can cleary see the entire outline of facial features,shoulders,arms,and i see what looks to be "wings" angelic type on the right side [if looking forward at the pic]& cloaked figure on the left that isn't so angelic!creepy indeed!

May 27, 2012
Not really
by: Kitty

The two lights in your picture are the light fixture and the flash from your camera. The swirls and designs on the mirror are dirt and smears from someone cleaning said mirror quite poorly. You didn't capture anything supernatural, you're reading way too much into this pic. Whether or not the house is haunted is still debatable, but you didn't capture any evidence suggesting that it is.

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