Shortly after my oldest son was born (he was born three and a half months early) we moved into a the bottom floor of a three story house turned into apartments at the edge of Shaker Hights. I haven't been scared of the dark since I was five and I'm polish, we don't run unless guys speaking German show up lol. No really, I have sargeants that can testify to that. But the stairs to the basement where the laundry was, the light bulbs would never last a full day and I would get so creeped out that I could almost never walk them. I ran them. Even my terrier wouldn't go near them and that old dog wasn't afraid of anything. Well after a few weeks my ex wife and I came back from grocery shopping and laid our son down. At that point he slept 13 hours a night and took three two hour naps a day. After I put the frozen goods away I left the rest on the counter to sit down for a few. There was a row of soup cans against the back splash with a plastic bag in front of them and a spoon or fork for some reason (you'd have to ask my ex psycho). Well as we watching some tv we heard a baby crying and it wasn't my son. It was the wrong pitch, and it was to loud to be from his room and we didn't hear it on the monitor. And there were no other babies in the building and the
Comments for Demonic house in hell...I mean Ohio. Same thing.