demon on my daughter only caught on camera

by harmony lawson
(west atlanta ga)

over her hump back holding her elbow enlarged the picture

over her hump back holding her elbow enlarged the picture

dog woke me up wimpering. i had an erage to take photos of mt children asleep in the door way on a bed. my daughter is on the end with a thing what looks like a demon in a green cloak holding her down.

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Jun 13, 2014
by: JC

If your photo is "for real", it is unsafe for you and your daughter to remain in that dwelling. There are a few recommendations I would follow if I were in your situation:

1. I would purchase a crucifix that hangs on the
wall, take it to a Catholic priest to have it
blest, and then hang it above my child's bed;
(you do NOT have to be a Catholic to do this!)
2. I would find a new place to live and I would
leave without delay, to a different
3. I would contact a Catholic priest for
assistance locating a priest who performs
4. I would ask this Catholic priest to come to my
new residence and bless the dwelling.
5. I would pray, out loud, over your daughter
each time you put her to bed, using the
words, "Dear God, wash my little girl in the
blood of Jesus Christ and keep her safe from

These suggestions probably sound preposterous to anyone who is not a Christian, let alone a Catholic. But these steps can actually protect your daughter from any evil influence.

Whenever I ghost hunt, I use the above prayer before I enter the dwelling/area at which I am going to hunt. It has always kept me safe from harm.


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