Ok so I will start with my own story and then tell my husband's. When I was about 6 or 7 I remember going to this church on Halloween night with some family. My brother step brother and cousins were planning to go in to the church once we got there. Needless to say they changed their mind pretty quickly. After sitting there for a minute the piano in the church began to play. My family has always been amazed by ghost stories so we would go to the cemetery beside the church and take pictures. After we had the pictures developed orbs of light could be seen above some of the tomb stones.
My husbands stories: one night him and his best friend were driving down the road in front of the church and seen 2 African-American women sitting on the bridge and when they got closer the women disappeared. A few weeks later they decided to go inside the church. When they pulled in the driveway and rolled the windows on the truck down they heard a tractor running. Mind you it was around midnight. It is said that the tractor is the tractor of old man Jack Kook who was ran over by his own tractor.
Comments for China Grove Methodist Church Tylertown,MS
Have slep in church yard been there many times at night. No ghosts, nothing but vandals. I caught nurse from Columbia that damaged church. I claimed crime stoppers reward & donated it to the church
Feb 06, 2018 Rating
Location NEW by: Anonymous
The church is on Hwy 585.
Feb 06, 2018 Rating
LocationNEW by: Anonymous
My husband and I heard about this church from a co worker and decided to check it out. The only churches we found on China Grove rd. Looked as thpugh they had been built in the last 2 years.... can someone please help with specific directions?
Jun 18, 2016 Rating
devilworshipNEW by: Anonymous
When I was around 17 way back before they put the gate up me and some friends went there one night about 3AM we were walking up to the church and the girls with us freaked out because they claimed to have seen red glowing lights shining through the windows of the church at us it scared the girls so they ran back to the car well me being young and having my two friends backing me up walked to the window peered inside and seen a old man with a goat looking helmet over his head and in a red robe surrounded by serval people in black robes moving in a circle holding candles chatting with a pentagram on the floor of the church if that wasn't bizarre enough there was blood and some kind of dead animal in the center whatever they were doing they didn't expect visitors at that time because one of them looked right at us and pointed so we struck out before they could even open the door I later became a preacher and realized they were devil worshippers .
Jun 18, 2016 Rating
devilworshipNEW by: Anonymous
When I was around 17 way back before they put the gate up me and some friends went there one night about 3AM we were walking up to the church and the girls with us freaked out because they claimed to have seen red glowing lights shining through the windows of the church at us it scared the girls so they ran back to the car well me being young and having my two friends backing me up walked to the window peered inside and seen a old man with a goat looking helmet over his head and in a red robe surrounded by serval people in black robes moving in a circle holding candles chatting with a pentagram on the floor of the church if that wasn't bizarre enough there was blood and some kind of dead animal in the center whatever they were doing they didn't expect visitors at that time because one of them looked right at us and pointed so we struck out before they could even open the door I later became a preacher and realized they were devil worshippers .
Jan 23, 2015 Rating
This place is definitely haunted!NEW by: Crystal
My ex husband brought me, my little sister and two of her friends to the church, needless to say I wasn't scared...until they went and beat on the front door then come back to the car. It was dark, the car was off and we were all laughing and then we all saw a light going up to the hsecond floor. Well we all got a little nervous and left. The second time I went was two years ago. My cousin, me, and her two guy friends wanted to experience what I had so I let Kane, one of the guys drive and you could just feel like something was going to be there, we all got that feeling. Well, we pull up and I told Kane to start taking picture of the front of the church as soon as he stepped out of the car he snapped a picture and caught three perfect ghostly figures standing outside. The first one looked like a man and the other two smaller figures. My cousin goes inside and snaps three pictures of the billboard of preachers and in the second picture it looked like some kind of old cloth they used to use way back. We wanted to do more investigating but the guy that keeps the place up got really mad that we were there so that ended the adventure. Very interesting place though.
Jan 23, 2015 Rating
This place is definitely haunted!NEW by: Crystal
My ex husband brought me, my little sister and two of her friends to the church, needless to say I wasn't scared...until they went and beat on the front door then come back to the car. It was dark, the car was off and we were all laughing and then we all saw a light going up to the second floor. Well we all got a little nervous and left. The second time I went was two years ago. My cousin, me, and her two guy friends wanted to experience what I had so I let Kane, one of the guys drive and you could just feel like something was going to be there, we all got that feeling. Well, we pull up and I told Kane to start taking picture of the front of the church as soon as he stepped out of the car he snapped a picture and caught three perfect ghostly figures standing outside. The first one looked like a man and the other two smaller figures. My cousin goes inside and snaps three pictures of the billboard of preachers and in the second picture it looked like some kind of old cloth they used to use way back. We wanted to do more investigating but the guy that keeps the place up got really mad that we were there so that ended the adventure. Very interesting place though.
Dec 06, 2014 Rating
feelingbthingsNEW by: Anonymous
Something toiched my head and i could feel something watching me. Stuff was up stairs
Jul 01, 2014 Rating
China grove NEW by: AJ White
First thing the tractor that people believe they hear at night is an old oil well that is still in operation, at night sound travels a great distance. The church itself I have seen what appeared to be a woman starring out of the window just right of the main door. I have peaked in and believed I could hear faint sounds of the piano and stretching sounds like the sounds a rope makes. I do believe they are spirits of those of the past there. I have got chills by the church but now the grave site even the one in the woods. I have been leaving around the area since i was a kid.
Apr 18, 2013 Rating
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