3 ghosts haunts this school. Agnus Lucile King is the first she hung herself in the bell tower located on the 3rd floor womens bathroom the door is blocked off excpect for a small peep houl in which you can only look thru... I myself saw her when I dared look thru it, I didnt feel fear, which was strange all I felt was pity. For her being trapped there, the janitors themselves in which I had many conversstions with over my luch time and free perid, and yes, im that big a dork i had no friends but the janitors, that at night when the school is locked down and they are the only ones there creepy things happen, infact they were headphones and portable radios so not to hear anything, she can be seen walking the main hall Chris has told me in a white gown, mostly near 12 or 1am, books in the 3rd floor libary pop off shelves on there own, She can also be seen walking the catwalk in viking hall at times. Now there is one janitor i cant recall her name but shes from germany very brave amd defensive person but there is one place she refuses to go....the autitorum...she says the first night she cleaned there was the last it was right at midnight she was vacuming the red rugs and all of a sudden she heard a loud ear piecing scream and then a train going by so loud it shook the room. Theres also a similar thing that happens in the lunch room at night, its like a wind rushes thru from now where with a thunderous earthquake type thing. some say agnusdied drowing in the pool but its not so she died in the 30's the pool wasnt built till the 70's a lil boy drowned there, and belive he is who haunts there, only due to facts, the 3rd ghost is a boy that is bound to the football field, he stands and watches everything from the white storage building. i know not much of him, i have only seen him myself. -Tiffany
Feb 26, 2021 Rating
responding to last comment NEW by: Anonymous
sometimes ghost are bound to a certain place because they have unfinished business, they don't like how they died, they failed to move on, they hang around a place that's old, or something completely different. I would look it up if I were you. this is only my knowledge of ghosts. do a little digging. who knows maybe you could find out what actually happened to the ghost Agnes. or why the train is really there and why there's a football player confined to the Stone Castle. Happy digging
Apr 21, 2020 Rating
The poolNEW by: Anonymous
The pool was actually built in the mid to late 80s. I was a student there at that time. They built it when they built Viking Hall.
Oct 15, 2019 Rating
Apr 06, 2018 Rating
Jan 11, 2018 Rating
hung girlNEW by: Anonymous
hell there not even a 3rd floor
May 12, 2016 Rating
False ReportNEW by: Anonymous
There is no bell tower in the 3rd story girl's bathroom. I go there everyday during 2nd and 3rd period, and there is no bell tower whatsoever.
Dec 21, 2015 Rating
Never seen her butNEW by: Anonymous
I never seen her but the stories they go with is not true she didn't hang herself from the bell tower
Aug 04, 2015 Rating
Nice tryNEW by: Anonymous
There are three stories abut this agnes ghosts.
1. She was on her way to a some school event but died in a accident
2. She was at the school event but died in the pool.
3. This dude done made up their own story. Now, I have never been to the school but I have seen pictures online and there is no bell tower.
But its not only the agnes ghost whose story keeps changing, its the number of ghost and how their stories change.
Aug 04, 2015 Rating
Nice tryNEW by: Anonymous
There are three stories abut this agnes ghosts.
1. She was on her way to a some school event but died in a accident
2. She was at the school event but died in the pool.
3. This dude done made up their own story. Now, I have never been to the school but I have seen pictures online and there is no bell tower.
But its not only the agnes ghost whose story keeps changing, its the number of ghost and how their stories change.
Apr 10, 2015 Rating
it's not realNEW by: t.t.w
i say that the haunting is not real but you just think it is real when we all know it's not real
Mar 18, 2015 Rating
i have seen her NEW by: lena green
i have seen her in her gown she was a pretty lady i've been in the bell tower although i can't find a picture of her on the internet she was lovely
Oct 25, 2013 Rating
trueNEW by: Anonymous
shut the fuck up she hung her self i was there wen she did it me an my buddy found her
Aug 20, 2013 Rating
Some corrections to your reportNEW by: Anonymous
I went to the school. "Agnes" is NOT her real name- she was given that name by some of the faculty as her real name is not known. She died close to where the pool now is. She didn't hang herself, her death was an accident...she fell from a great height near where the auditorium is, hence the reason she haunts the auditorium and the areas around it. The ONLY reason that the door is blocked is because that section is rotted and dangerous. They don't want anyone up there trying to go in. As for the train, there is a ghost train that goes through the school. When I was there, the ENTIRE school would shake and you could hear the train going through, even during the day during class change, so there are A LOT of witnesses to that haunting. The ghost that haunts the field is a former football star that was killed going home from a game.You are correct that he only haunts the field area, as far as I know, he has never entered the school. Some of your info has been based on strictly rumor, some of it is fact. If you want to know more about the ghosts, ask Mr. Brownlee to tell you about "Agnes", he has seen her.
Aug 20, 2013 Rating
Some corrections to your reportNEW by: Anonymous
I went to the school. "Agnes" is NOT her real name- she was given that name by some of the faculty as her real name is not known. She died close to where the pool now is. She didn't hang herself, her death was an accident...she fell from a great height near where the auditorium is, hence the reason she haunts the auditorium and the areas around it. The ONLY reason that the door is blocked is because that section is rotted and dangerous. They don't want anyone up there trying to go in. As for the train, there is a ghost train that goes through the school. When I was there, the ENTIRE school would shake and you could hear the train going through, even during the day during class change, so there are A LOT of witnesses to that haunting. The ghost that haunts the field is a former football star that was killed going home from a game.You are correct that he only haunts the field area, as far as I know, he has never entered the school. Some of your info has been based on strictly rumor, some of it is fact. If you want to know more about the ghosts, ask Mr. Brownlee to tell you about "Agnes", he has seen her.
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