Bangor Maine, Eastern Maine Community College Acadia Dormitory
by Alexandria
(Bangor, Maine USA)
The basement level has a rather benign spirit of a little boy who tends to scare residents by standing next to their beds in the middle of the night, and staring at them intently as they awaken. There is also a very malicious entity on the third floor of the same building thatg disguises itself as a young girl. The girl has been seen many times and is described as a blond in a white dress with a blue sash and is curious but cute. A dark hollow area where her eyes should be as well as having a wide and sharp-toothed smile appears when her "true nature" shows. Victims are terrorized in their bedrooms, but most of the activity is reported to happen while showering. People report of lights turning off for no reason, paralysis, blacking out, long scratches and gouges appearing on their backs, as well as automatic writing and temporary posession of those who are very sensitive.