Aberdeen, SD.....Alonzo Ward Hotel

by Joy
(Aberdeen, SD)

Most people notice when you get to the 2nd floor, there is a ball room, with one light bulb dimmly lit. you can sometimes see/hear a little girl and a little boy playing hide and seek or tag. they occupy this area and also the elevators. on the top floor, if you at the window facing north closest to the masume, you can see an old man with an evil grin just watching you. also, if you go to the basement, there are underground tunnels that have satanic symbles all over the walls. have been reports of poteums being uverturned and floating.

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May 20, 2018
can i use NEW
by: Negan6978@gmail.com

i would like permission to use some of the information from this page for a Youtube video on haunted South Dakota please email me at the email address above. thank you

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