558 Parkchester Drive Columbus GA

When we first moved into the home the first thing i noticed was a swing door. We would close the door but it doesnt shut all the way just swings. One day i found a drawing a little kid did by the name of timothy. I didnt put much thought into it and shrugged it off. One night i had awakening after falling off the bed to get up and i noticed a bright greyish blueish light with a little boy standing in old clothes and looked like he may have been electrecuted or risen from the dead. i was too scared to move soslowly went back down to the floor. A couple months later doors started unlocking and closing on there own or even staying open. One night me and my sister saw an appartition of the attic being down and we became freaked out. I told my siblings about the things but they didnt believe me. I was touched at times even though no one was there with me. Since we moved the house has been torn down and there is just a empty lot.

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